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Everything posted by Turbs3000

  1. I'll be interested to see what people offer up. I know you said you aren't interested in one but personally I keep mine in an apartment garage to which I do not live. It's a bit of a distance for you but there are multiple apartment complexes in Dublin off of Tuttle that have garages and will rent them for $50/month no minimum or contract that I and others have used for storing cars over winter.
  2. Here are pictures of some of the picture frames. MAG, though I may keep this one for the garage. http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e391/Turbs3000/2012-11-26_19-37-14_618.jpg http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e391/Turbs3000/2012-11-26_19-35-14_875-1.jpg http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e391/Turbs3000/2012-11-26_19-36-31_864.jpg http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e391/Turbs3000/2012-11-26_19-40-10_288.jpg http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e391/Turbs3000/2012-11-26_19-39-43_641.jpg http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e391/Turbs3000/2012-11-26_19-40-52_235.jpg http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e391/Turbs3000/2012-11-26_19-41-19_402.jpg the broken one, http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e391/Turbs3000/2012-11-26_19-42-10_95.jpg http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e391/Turbs3000/2012-11-26_19-42-32_739.jpg
  3. Bump for my HD being out again.
  4. Do you use slickdeals at all? If not it's a great site for this type of stuff. Watch it for a few days and you'll find the right deal for you. I've set many people I know up with laptops using it.
  5. Proform Sr 30 Recumbent Bike $40 tension settings, heart monitor, etc. http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e391/Turbs3000/2012-11-30_18-25-29_321.jpg http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e391/Turbs3000/2012-11-30_18-25-43_243.jpg http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e391/Turbs3000/2012-11-30_18-25-59_116.jpg
  6. $100 for the laptop, has Microsoft office on it which alone is over $100
  7. I never would have thought Amazon was so behind on warehouse technology. But I guess if they just bought Kiva that will all change soon...
  8. I think what sucks the most but I guess is what it is, is that i believe it's quoted as a like 8+ hour job because you are supposed to drop the subframe but most people just swing out the drivers side knuckle and drive shaft, unbolt, swing the trans into the void in the wheel well. Swap clutch, put back together, done. In about 4 hours or less for those skilled.
  9. I like this idea^^ though who knows could lead to your car getting fire bombed or something crazy haha.
  10. On campus I never locked my first beater and my 2nd one I kept tools in and always locked it and it had a flashing security light. I'm not going to say it made a difference but my roommates truck would get broken into and mine wouldn't while parked next to each other.
  11. Fair, I guess I meant things like that. In the past I have used guys who paint for a living but would pick up extra work on the side.
  12. Not sure if this should be in the passing lane, tech help or meat market but... Looking for a clutch to be changed on a 2000 Saturn SL1. Anyone do these things on the side or can help me out? Would greatly appreciate it.
  13. Turbs3000

    Door dings

    Unless it's passenger door to drivers door and he doesn't have a passenger... Just a thought.
  14. Bump, motivated to make this go away.
  15. Bump, wouldn't complain about more money for the holidays so make me some offers on some cool things!
  16. http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e391/Turbs3000/2012-11-23_09-55-24_39.jpg http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e391/Turbs3000/2012-11-23_09-55-33_912.jpg
  17. Miles? Any interest in a 2000 saturn SL1 w/ 100k on it or a black sport trac with 150k?
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