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spooling 1g

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Everything posted by spooling 1g

  1. Wouldn't happen to have a white 90,91 turbo front bumper would you?
  2. Your inbox is full. 1 evil 3 3 by u by by 3
  3. spooling 1g

    taillight tint

  4. I have a 94 dodge stealth i went to roll up my window and i heard a crunch so i pulled the door panel off and theres a broke cable hanging?How in the hell do i replace it,Can i replace it?By the looks of it it's a pain in the a**.Any one done one of these?
  5. 2g turbo gauge cluster 88866mi 2g turbo under dash wire harness 1g bov hard elbow
  6. i have so extra stuff i need to get rid of before i move.the more i clean out the garage the more ill find. 1ga red hood 2g black hood alittle dinged up 2g eclipse tail lights 2ga headlights 1gb headlights 2g fog lights. all parts are pretty much best offer i just need gone,im located im mt.vernon
  7. Thats the best tat i've ever seen.
  8. If i had my other car i would have came.Ill make it out to a couple by the end of the year.
  9. I know i can get a camber kit for it but theres a way to adjust it from the factory.Mine isn't off by that much....my plan is to get it closer to where it's supposed to be so when i take it to get aligned I'll know if ill need a camber kit or not.I here you only need it for a 2 inch drop or more(mines 1 1/2)and at 1 1/2 i should be able to use the factory adjuster is what i read.
  10. I only have two seats in my car and two kids do the math.
  11. I've been wanting to adjust the rear camber on my 1g talon.A couple of people have told me theres a stock adjuster but i cant find any info on where it is or how to do it.So anyone has done it and can fill me in on how to do it i would be very greatful.
  12. the stock exhaust might be hurting your spool up to.
  13. are you wanting to swap in a sr and keep it auto or swap a sr and covert to a 5speed?
  14. Did you check your manifold to turbo gaskets?Make sure the turbo bolts are tight?
  15. im gonna try to make it ill be in columbus on saturday.
  16. spooling 1g

    Mafia Wars

    i didnt know there were two.i guess ill play both.
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