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spooling 1g

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Everything posted by spooling 1g

  1. spooling 1g

    Mafia Wars

    http://www.myspace.com/spooling1g add me too damn it.
  2. ill be there.i haven't missed one in 8yrs
  3. Nopi in my mind was turning into a big ricer feast with more attention turned to nopi chicks and foam pits than actual racing.This actually put a smile on my face.
  4. my buddy has a good running dual cam give him a call 740 507 5856 his name is dj
  5. ill be there as always,and ill get a couple of people.
  6. looking to buy a 3 inch 1g awd exhaust under 300 dollars thanks.
  7. spooling 1g


    for the stealth the wheel gap on the 16's is killing me.
  8. 420a in a 1g wow thats funny.but anyway for a 2.0 swap you will need everything wiring harness,tranny,motor mounts shift linkage,ecu,and a few little odds and ends so if you ask me sell it and buy a 2.0.
  9. spooling 1g


    wtb,2 18 inch tires 225/40/18,or 215/40/18. thanks
  10. i dont know maybe it s me but i can pull 1.5-1.6 60ft almost anywhere else but i never have had any luck there.so you be the judge 5500rpm stutter box,25psi in the tires and spin mid way through 2nd.
  11. no tranny,but ill ask some people.does it have to be a 2g tranny?
  12. looking to get rid of some dsm stuff everything is best offer just need it gone. located in mt.vernon 1 2g 95-96 driver side headlight lite fogging not bad though $10 1 set of 2g talon tail lights $20 1 set of 2g eclipse tail lights minus the center section $30 1 set of 1g cams (stock) $10 2 stock o2 housings $10ea 1 2g talon rear bumper cover ok? shape $10 1 set of 1g dsm steelies w/tires $40 95-97 talon wing $20 thanks
  13. best tracks for hooking up?what are you talking about i can't pull no better than a 2.1 60ft that track sucks unless your on slicks.
  14. theres a wire down by the oil filter they always come off im pretty sure it's for the sending unit but if it's always reading no pressure i'd put money on that being your problem.strip it put a new connector on it and reattach it.
  15. on a 90, its the white wire on the coil pack connector, i think there are 4 wires, 3 black with different color stripes i believe, and one white wire, the white wire is the tach signal wire.
  16. spooling 1g

    for sale

    94 dodge stealth na/at i bought as a daily driver and now dont need.the only problem is the dash lights dont work,i would like to get 2500obo thanks.
  17. 7 is fine ill be there.
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