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spooling 1g

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Posts posted by spooling 1g

  1. Dr. Rick has posted about that car and guy a long time ago, it is supposedly a Twin Turbo car. Rick was trying to get him to race and guy wouldn't have it.


    Yeah he would'nt race me or rick,he just ran his mouth and said we didnt have a chance cause he runs 5's in the 1/4.:rolleyes:

  2. This is the reason why a garage is a must for me. Hope you get your car back man, I've had a car broken into but never stolen. Good luck.


    Same with me.I wont even consider a place if it dont have a garage.And to the OP sorry to here man people just suck anymore period.

  3. Im not sure what he's doing,i suggested swapping a 03-04 cobra motor into it,but he said he got something better in store so i didnt question it to much.And i dont think he cares to much on the money side he's ok there.
  4. Can brakes pads and the heat caused by stopping a car produce enough heat and pressure to warp a perfectly shaped rotor?


    Would it really be the pressure??Or just the cooling affects of the material warping the rotor??

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