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Forrest Gump 9

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Everything posted by Forrest Gump 9

  1. I know of a certain people that have stack of them and nothing happen. I've always put at least $.50 everytime I park there. Most of the time it's like 5-10 min trip. I personally like to park in the Macy's parking lot so I can walk.
  2. The rear looks like a Toyota Sienna.
  3. No, the tickets are not real. You don't have to pay them if you don't want to. The fee go to the charity, not the city or police.
  4. Just wondering if anyone use Wenol wheel polish? If so, how do you like it? And where can I get them here in Cbus? Thanks
  5. Where do get that wing?? I need two of them........ for my Odyssey
  6. What kind of gas milage do I expect out of thios thing?
  7. http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=p&car_id=278837628&dealer_id=65247425&car_year=2000&rdm=1280611249677&lastStartYear=1981&model=&num_records=100&systime=&make3=GMC&make2=FORD&highlightFirstMakeModel=&start_year=1990&keywordsfyc=__ZGllc2VsLCBjcmV3__&keywordsrep=100105101115101108044032099114101119&engine=&certified=&body_code=32&fuel=&awsp=false&search_type=both&distance=500&marketZipError=false&model3=&model2=&search_lang=en&sownerid=1085952&showZipError=n&make=DODGE&keywords_display=diesel%2C+crew&color=&page_location=findacar%3A%3Aispsearchform&min_price=&body_style=TRUCKS&drive=4 wheel drive&default_sort=mileageASC&seller_type=b&max_mileage=&style_flag=2&sort_type=mileageASC&address=43212&advanced=y&end_year=2011&doors=&transmission=&max_price=15000&cardist=406&standard=false What do you think? Or should I look for a Cumming one?
  8. +1 When I was younger I can go about a week on camping trip but that's it.
  9. I've always thought it's a chick car.
  10. http://swns.com/britains-most-expensive-car-wash-191015.html You detailers here are waaaaaayyyyyy behind the time.
  11. I really don't care because the Bengal is a team that have no intention to win the Super Bowl. Don't get me wrong, the Bengal is a top ten team in the league, but they just don't want to win. They'll get to the play-off and that's it. That's their BIG goal. Get to the play-off, once they're there they quit. So it really doesn't matter who play on their team. That my opinion on the Bengal.
  12. Traction anyone? Also for that price, I can get a real Supra!!
  13. A dragster somewhere missing its wing.
  14. That's what happen when you drive a red toyota. Don't mess with bear!!
  15. Like the title said, what do I need to look for when buying a diesel power vehicle? After three years searching I've finally found a Land Cruiser I want. It's old but in very great shape. The only problem is it's powered by a diesel engine, and I know nothing about diesel engine. Thank in advance.
  16. Ummmm, it's an old school Land Cruiser. Nothing exotic.
  17. Like the title said, how do you register a jdm vehicle? The vehicle currently have a south Carolina title. Will it be just like a normal vehicle or are there any extra procedures? Thank in advance.
  18. This is a nice option too. It's better than all the car you listed above. Turbo, awd, 6 speed, and European, what's to not like.
  19. Where and what do you play? To the OP, those scratch off will eventually eat you up. I only play lotto when it get really big.
  20. Who would let you if you drive a smart car?
  21. How's about a ls1 power 3rd gen RX7? That's unique.
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