I75 got my vote. Go with what you know. I hate going thru Tennessee with a passion thought. For such a short state there are so much fucks there.
I95 you have to go thru Virginia and West Virginia. Virginia is always full of cops. WV is sketchy as fuck at night.
One trip I was going back to Ohio thru I95 and I77. Passing thru WV right around midnight and they closed I77 down due to construction. So they diverted traffic onto the back road that lead to US35. I was on that road for about an hour without seeing any car coming or going. Pitch black, no light, the phone was out of range, my navigation went blank, just like in the twilight zone, some bad shit was about to happen. After about an hour driving in the dark at triple digit speed I reached some civilization. I knew where US35 will eventually lead me to, but that stretch of road I'll never forget.