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Johny Utah

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Everything posted by Johny Utah

  1. Does anyone know of any arm wrestling tournaments around here?
  2. I loved Funway Freeway. I had a birthday party there when I was a kid.
  3. I would like to find one that was like Aladins arcade in eastland mall a long time ago. Or like what putt putt use to have. That was a long time ago though. Game works and magic mountain are just not the same.
  4. Johny Utah


    Does anyone know of any Arcades that are still around? Ones like in the 80's and 90's.
  5. When are they going to start broadcasting in 1080P ?
  6. Wow that is crazy. I have not been there for years. When I have gone in the past. We always went pretty far off the trail. No one ever said anything.
  7. I will call some dealships then. I would rent an S2000 also. Always wanted to take one for a drive
  8. Well I am wanting to take pics of the outdoors mostly. The sun set and sun rise. It needs to have a self timer on it too.
  9. Anyone know of any places that rent Vett's or Gto's or something along that line.
  10. I need a new digital camera. Mine is very old. What would be a good one to get that is between 200-250 dollars.
  11. I may have to try one out. Hopefully I will see some difference.
  12. I have a 98 Accord 2 door V6 for my DD. Is it a waste of money to buy a cold air intake for it? I don't know much about honda's. Just wondering if I might get some more power and gas mileage from one.
  13. Johny Utah

    My toys

    Those are some sweet cars.
  14. Those were great stores at one time. Do you remember Certis Mathis? I use to rent Nentendo NES games there. I loved Dane Drugs that was by super duper.
  15. QUOTE=Tilley]Eastland Mall is ghetto and has been ghetto since the mid-1990s. Before that, though, that place was pretty hot. True story. Polaris is pet friendly. I didn't know Easton was, though. I can remember when it was the place to go. It is sad to see what has happend there. I use to go to the movie theater that was in Eastland. Then they shut that down and now amc 6 and 8 are gone.
  16. The last time I went to Eastland was to buy shoes at Champs. I have never been to Tuttle or Polaris mall yet. I guess I should check them out.
  17. I have not been there for a while. Just got back from there. They did not have what I needed and there were no girls there at all. I should have gone to Easton. I did not want to drive that far though.
  18. On party poker you could buy a calling card and then use the minutes to deposit money into your account. Don't know if they still do that though. I went to Argosy casino today and played no limit 1-3 and won 220.00 today.
  19. The mighty ore bot's was one of my favorite's when I was a kid. Did not see a video for it on youtube.
  20. I had to take mine back to best buy 2 months ago. It was doing the same thing as yours. I had the waranty from best buy. It was bought Dec 05
  21. I will have to look into OHFA. I missed the article in the dispatch. I just read your post too. I'm too late now.
  22. Thanks everyone, I am working with a realtor. I have not asked her about any first time home owner programs yet though. I will now. I have only asked my bank. They don't work with any programs.
  23. It looks like I might be out of luck then. I always thought that everyone got some kind of help if they were a first time buyer. Wether it be something for a down payment or a low interest rate. Right now I don't need a realtor. Thanks for offering his number though.
  24. I am looking to buy my first home. I have heard of grants for downpayments for first time home buyers. Anyone know who I can contact about that? Or a web site? I have searched already can't find anything. Thanks
  25. Doing snow removal is pretty tough. It sucks getting up at 1:00 A.M. and then working all those hours with just 2-3 hours of sleep. I can never sleep good when I know I have to get up and do snow.
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