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Johny Utah

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Everything posted by Johny Utah

  1. Thank you, I might not want to do it then. Maybe I will take it some where.
  2. Its a 98 accord coupe V6. Where is it at? Is it easy to change on these cars? Thanks
  3. I had the MTI clear lid on mine. Those are sweet.
  4. Thinking of buying one. Anyone have one for sale? Anything but red. Needs to have all the badges. Would like one that is pretty much stock. Thanks
  5. Was thinking about competing.
  6. I did some searching. I can't find any Arm Wrestling tournaments execpt for Arnolds classic. I can't find any place that you can go and box also. Does anyone know of any place for Arm Wrestling or boxing around Columbus?
  7. I wish I did not sell my 98 Z28 M6. I really miss that car. I bought it 4 years ago for 7500.00 it had 76,000 miles on it. It was a steal. Perfect inside and out. I also miss my 68 Camaro.
  8. I had a chance to do that last year. We were understaffed. I was taking care of other people's jobs. I could have asked for a big raise. I did not since I have a good realasionship with the owner. Did not want to mess that up.
  9. Maybe she learned a lessen and will be a better driver now. She will think twice about doing something stupid. That is what needs to happen to a lot of these people on the roads that drive like idiots.
  10. That is sweet. That was a job well done.
  11. Thank you, I will look into these.
  12. Or the Credit agency. I just need to talk to someone. There was a claim I had from a doctor bill that I paid for 6 years ago and now it just showed up on my credit report.
  13. Does anyone know if I am able to talk to someone on the phone at the Credit Bureau? I can't find any numbers. Is this even possible?
  14. I would go with the Honda for sure.
  15. Johny Utah


    The main guy also had a little boy go into his hut with him too. The movie was good. Very good special effects of people getting killed.
  16. This will be interesting to see how much I get back.
  17. I just bought a Braun 360 on Monday after reading some of these post's. I had a Norelco speed XL. The Braun 360 is really good. It does shave closer and it did not irritate my skin. I am very happy I switched.
  18. I work for a company plowing snow in the winter. I know some of you guys plow on your own. Just wanted to know how much you would charge for a lot like an Arby's or a Wendys. To plow it, salt it, clear the walks and put down calcuim. Just want to see how much money they are making from me doing it for them. Thanks
  19. That would be a great job. Being in Hawaii. Then working on the water also. I would imagine that would be pretty great.
  20. That would be cool to buy it and run Magunum themed tours. I need to go to Hawaii soon so I can see everything.
  21. If they could get the old cast together to make the movie that would be really good. Where you able to see Robins Nest when you were there?
  22. It was on espn Sunday. At the Arnold I read at one time you have to be invited to be in the tournament.
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