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Everything posted by 77nova

  1. 77nova

    wow just wow!

    I use to be abbreviate in instant messages all the time but I am trying to stop as much as I can. I have noticed myself accidentally use abbreviations in papers but I always catch myself.
  2. Thats because you sign up for a 2 year service plan so they cut you a deal on the phone. You can buy a razr for $50 but to replace it is $250+ if you break it.
  3. The reasons you haven't seen any snow trucks is because it is pointless to plow a road and go back 2 hours later and plow it again. Instead the city waits for it the clear up or slow down then goes out. Also it is way too cold to put down salt, it won't do anything. Either way I am hoping it keeps snowing all night and have another day off of school.
  4. 77nova

    10tv FTW!

    I was looking at 10tv's website for what the weather is suppose to be like for tomorrow (going snowboarding). I guess they don't have any real news. http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l238/88supra_2006/10tvFTW.jpg
  5. I find it funny that the more snow capable and safe cars are getting now with AWD, ABS, TCS, and many other advances to keep people on the road the SLOWER they drive.
  6. The cardomain link works but you have to copy/paste it in the address bar.
  7. LMAO Simmons, yeah right. I could say a lot here but will just leave it open...
  8. That made me LOL. Why are some people so stupid?
  9. No, the lumens are around where they should be if it was going to be used as a home theater setup because if it the lumens are too high the contrast is wrong. You want more lumens for a presentation or office projector. But that is way too much for that.
  10. In all honesty I don't think we will have a woman president for awhile. First reason is because it would make us look weak and inferior to other countries that oppress women (not saying we would be, but in their mind we would possibly making them more likely to attack us). Second, because it has been shown that when it comes down to it, women can't 'push the button' because they feel remorse and can't handle it psychologically, there have been multiple tests done and majority of the time this is true (this is also why women don't serve on the front line in the military). Personally, I don't even think she will even make it to be the Democratic canidate. All I have to say is I am glad I will be old enough to vote in this next presidential election.
  11. A few people in my class played nitto in my school's "writing lab" on the computers during study hall. Seemed pointless to me.
  12. And that is why you don't just slam on your brakes when your sliding on ice.
  13. Thank God it finaly snowed. It was blast to drive in the snow for the first time this year in my supra. No traction in any gear at any speed is a lot of fun. And to top it off i went snowboarding while it was snowing.
  14. I hate youtube because it encourages people to act like complete fucking morons to get attention.
  15. Sweet! I'm downloading it now @ 500kb/s... not too shabby.
  16. 77nova

    The Zune

    My friends little brother has one and every since I played with it Ive been wanting one myself. The only downside to it is that it is about twice as thick as the Ipod but the screen is a lot larger and there is radio. The one reason I wont buy an Ipod is because of iTunes, I like how you can just transfer over the files from your computer over to the Zune directly.
  17. Yeah, I was listening to 107.1 on the way home from school and was like WTF?!?! I absolutely hate country with passion. All I have left now is 99.7.
  18. I'm going to try and see the screening for it the day before it comes out with some people I know that work at AMC. I don't like to see movies when they sell out. Too cramped.
  19. 77nova

    O H

    I'm going to watch as much as I can but I have exams tomorrow and I have to do 2 review sheets still.
  20. I don't think I morally watch any of these videos. This is the kind of shit that scares you for life. The titles of these videos in order are... "bestiality - bizarre kinky animal passion - sex with animals - horse fucks and ejaculates on the pus.avi" "XXX -Animal Sex - Horse - MONKEY - Beastmaster Animal Zoo.mpg" "porn - Animal Sex - Mix Farm Sex (horse, dog, chicken, donkey) 15'45.mpg" "zoo animal sex - Teen girl's horse dog fuck fest.mpg"
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