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Everything posted by 77nova

  1. "You couldnt find a car in Germany you liked" "No, I couldnt find a speed limit in America I liked" LMAO
  2. I could understand that argument going for a grade school with stupid little kids running around everywhere, but for a highschool where almost everyone drives and maybe 1 or 2 people walk that live within a few hundred feet and everyone else takes the bus.
  3. From what I heard its not going to be aired at all because they pulled it before it ever got any air time at all and only a few people have even heard it.
  4. I thought McD's breakfast ended at 11am... wtf. Oh well, now I can get those tasty mcgriddles at 2am.
  5. I don't plan to work there long. Just for this Christmas season to make some money before lacrosse starts when I can't work at all.
  6. Weird Al is the fuckin man!
  7. I applied there today and that was on fucked up application. Here are some of the funnier questions. http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l238/88supra_2006/radioshack.jpg
  8. That car doesnt seem to fit in that neighborhood. Too bad he wasnt on the hood and got run over.
  9. I will atleast give the driver of the GT some credit, he used his turn signal half the time.
  10. My brother worked at and insurance company as an intern. The reason for the seatbelt it because it saves the insurance company from paying more if the person were to go through the windshield and cut up their face ect. As for the no helmet, an insurance company would rather someone lay down their bike and die than have to pay their bills. Plus IMO a helmet wont do shit if you go down at 45MPH. But as for the ticket, that is :bs:
  11. "What, you came inside my pussy. no, no, you werent suppose to come inside my pussy."
  12. :eek2: The funny thing is that im sure there are some sick wierdos who are really into that stuff.
  13. HAHA... I have the same engine with a gimp cam position sensor. Well not sure if wtf is wrong with my car but I think its that (no spark). good luck with the car.
  14. 77nova

    17x7 rims for sale

    If you still have them after I sell my turbo I would be very much interested in them.
  15. http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l238/88supra_2006/100_3106.jpg http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l238/88supra_2006/100_3107.jpg http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l238/88supra_2006/100_3108.jpg
  16. I have a brand new, never used CT-26 turbo. I don't have any pictues of it right now but should with in a day or so. I am asking $450 obo.
  17. Ive noticed in the past week that bike cops have been heavily watching school zones where the regular speed limit is 35+. This is mostly around the karl road area schools. I got pulled over doing 42mph... no ticket because I'm an awesome talker but still got really lucky. Also, most likely you won't even see them because they move thier bikes so they are not visible and stand around some bushes or telephone poles then they walk out into the street stopping you and tell you to pull in a parking lot near them. Just a heads up.
  18. How much for just the paintballs?
  19. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8886095851884987053 wtf was he thinking?
  20. 77nova


    http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3259862877752298096 Ipecac makes you vomit everything in your stomach, its generaly used for medical purposes i guess.
  21. They seriously need to make the punishment for DUI/OVI more severe. Something on the lines of 1 months in jail and 2 year license suspension for the first offense then to get it back you need to retake all the tests. Instead of this spend a 3 nights in jail shit and and 6 month suspension. Then your second offense should be 3 years and no license for 5 years. - IMO http://www.1800duilaws.com/states/ohio_dui_ovi_laws.asp It may seem a bit harsh, but think how much harder you will think before you drive drunk.
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