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Everything posted by Protection

  1. Nope it's me for now fuckboy
  2. She's on the forum too. I think it's Phil's ex if I'm not mistaken. She has a bit of a beer belly. http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e75/JDM_Integra_XSi/73fc3528.jpg Shit. I just triple posted again
  3. Checking in at 215.6 with the bag of grippos. http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e75/JDM_Integra_XSi/04e09661.jpg
  4. You are right, considering f-bodies are recycled corvettes.
  5. Considering it was 4 years ago and dropped out to support my family. But what i learned then doesn't help me at Time Warner Cable. I may have forgot a few basic things, but I knew and what I tried didn't work. Once again, cordially; thank you for the help.
  6. Just forget it. I have a pos F-body anyway. Who cares if the picture I have is double in size.
  7. I have the Photobucket app. The first thing i tried was save the pic to my own photobucket. The file is 500x200. Go to the signature edit. Max size is 500x100.
  8. I'll save them with the img tags. As he posted them on this page. "invalid file"
  9. Heres the screen caps. http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e75/JDM_Integra_XSi/1c1def97.jpg http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e75/JDM_Integra_XSi/23a8298e.jpg http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e75/JDM_Integra_XSi/5498fca5.jpg
  10. Keeps saying "remote file too large?" I save it with the and it tells me invalid file. I remove the img and tells me it's too large. Maybe I can't do it from mobile.?
  11. And I've tried that. Considering I've taken and aced computer and networking classes at Ohio state.
  12. Hey dummy, you cannot right click on an iPad. Once again 100 miles away. :dumb:
  13. Not Taylor lautner. Lmfao. You know he's only like 5'7" or so? When your short it's easier to obtain an ideal physique
  14. That you and my son are the same height. He's 3 years old
  15. Lmao I know. I was ass hurt on like the first page. That's it tho
  16. Whatever the sig pic requirement is. Max is 125x125 I think
  17. Original file. http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e75/JDM_Integra_XSi/f9f39113.jpg And the ones still are too large. But thanks for the effort.
  18. So u learned your lesson?
  19. How's my SS a pos? Lol
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