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Everything posted by Protection

  1. I'll hit you up for the headers down the road. If u can help me install lol
  2. Or this one http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e75/JDM_Integra_XSi/03f629ec.jpg
  3. http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e75/JDM_Integra_XSi/95334d9a.jpg
  4. Or u can stop typing. It's that simple. Im hard-headed. Adolescent minded, so quit it u big bullies.
  5. I don't have a pc. I have an iPad and iPhone 4. I don't think there is an app to resize picture files. I want the photo bigger than the one you see in my signature. Ive seen them a lot bigger. I can email someone the full size pics. Thank you.
  6. The factory manifold system is very restrictive you Maysee 20whp from Longtubes and ORY and cat back alone. Find out what the muffler is. It may be little to no improvement from the factory muffler. Unless they increased the piping size
  7. High flow/removing the cats adds about a solid 2 HP. But the purchase of long tubes nullifys the stock cats with the ORY (Off road Y Pipe) which has no cats. But if u were doing the true duals, you wouldn't need an ORY. basically if I had the money to mod my car I would buy (in no particular order) LS6 intake. Longtubes and a desired exhaust system Like an SLP dual dual or loudmouth. Put the mods on all at once and go grab a tune. Talk about power you would notice. These mods are all supporting mods for a heads, cam setup.
  8. U need to tell those douchbags in my ArmorAll post to not mess with me! Lol
  9. 2.43 kill death ratio 188,000 kills. 417 tactical Nukes 3.20 win ratio. I only play core demolition and hardcore search. I'm good. But inconsistent.
  10. I couldn't find any pic less gayer. But add me to the list http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e75/JDM_Integra_XSi/f07ddb02.jpg Wait. Found one gayer http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e75/JDM_Integra_XSi/ca9df83b.jpg
  11. Jizzle Juices pic. Lololol
  12. Yeah, which one were you? Obviously I was prob the only one there that resembled an athlete. JK I was there with Brandon and Dover.
  13. Check to see if the "Free mods" are done. Buy an SLP lid off flea bay (EBay) K&N drop in filter. Buy a good set of long tubes ory and cat back 2.75 inches or have a shop weld you up a true dual 2.5 inch exhaust. You have a 00' with an Ls1 intake. Grab a used Ls6 intake or the FAST intake. Grab a tune and see how u like it from there. If I'm not mistaken you'd put down around 340whp or more.
  14. Wow^^ factual statement picture of your car and all
  15. Dude, it's the Internet. Just quit typing. Please. I have a wife, 2 kids.
  16. Truth is I'm sort of quiet and soft spoken until you get to know me. Once you get to know me you'll realize half the things I posted are contradictory to the individual I actually am. I just also happen to come off with a tough "don't fuck with that guy" demeanor because of my size. I'm actually really friendly. And I occasionally give bums cash.
  17. Not generally, but I have noticed a small correlation between some people's posts and not having good fulfilling lives. So they hop on the Internet and become 6'6" 250 pound martial artists with they're e-jabs and so called insults.
  18. Isn't that what CR members do? Yes I'm comparing myself to an MRDD kid. Noted that my sig is sarcasm.
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