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Posts posted by andyjs3589

  1. If he gets elected that means Dem controlled congress and Dem controlled executive branch, all that equals loss of your gun rights.


    Plus the possibility of a supreme court justice retiring during the next four years and whoever is president would appoint another one. In the Heller case it was only a 5-4 win.

  2. Shut the fuck up. Better open your eyes, for what you see today was thanks to the US Military. You have no idea what Blackwater does. As for school, if/when he joins, Uncle Sam will take care of most of his schooling. So that means he won't be in debt for the first 10 years after getting out of college. Go wave a peace flag someplace else hippie.




    What?! You can go through life making decision's based on how it effects other people. If he WANTS to do this then the people closest to him will understand. If they dont then fuck em. When i told my family they were cool with it. They just said "your gonna get alot of pushups done... b/c your fucking late to everything".


    I know that my parents and everyone around me would support me in whatever decision I make.

  3. I understand that some of it will suck but I think it will be a good experience overall when I look back on it. I wish that I could go in as an officer but the reason that I am looking to join is because I don't want to finish my college degree right now and borrow more and more money. I just can't decide on which branch to go into all of them seem appealing to me in one way or another. I also have no clue on what MOS to do. I have not taken the ASVAB yet but I consider myself to be pretty smart and I feel that I would do well on it.
  4. I definitely understand the point of doing something that you can use in the civilian sector. I went to Miami University last year and now I am at Ohio State this year, I was going to do some type of engineering but I don't think that it is for me. So I have a decent amount of engineering credits that won't count towards anything else basically. I honestly am very up in the air about what I want to do. I think I want to be a firefighter(dad is one) or a cop, probably preferring the latter. I have always tossed around the idea of joining but have never really been that serious about it until this point in my life. My number one reason is to serve my country and help protect the freedoms that I enjoy everyday. I have some student loans that I took out for school and I think that during a four year stint I could pay those off and still have a decent amount of money left over. Then I could make the decision of what to pursue, either police, fire, or college. I would have enough money to sustain myself for a while when I am finding a fireman job or a police job, since those sometimes take a while to get. If not I could use the G.I. Bill to finish up college. I think it would be a great experience and would help me decide what I want to do with the rest of my life. I believe that I would regret not doing it later in life if I do not join.
  5. Like the title says I am thinking about it...I know there are some guys on here that are active or former military. How did you like it? Was it a good decision? Which branch should I go for and what are some recommended mos'? I am kind of sure that I do not want to join the Marines, but not 100% on that. I was originally thinking like MP or something along those lines but I heard that job is awful.
  6. i was just about to buy on on ebay, let me know as soon as you can on this. I can paypal or pickup with cash. What the offered price right now on it? if it falls though pm me your number and I would like to make a deal on this


    I'll let you know if it falls through

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