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78 malibu

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Everything posted by 78 malibu

  1. this stuff is awsome its my pre workout drink.its nitro in a can.
  2. any of the cab parts in good shape doors, fenders, etc.
  3. that was a great play also that guys face at the end of the clip is priceless
  4. agreed speedway good selection also and with a rewards card your 7th one is free :thumbup:
  5. i would try changing the fluid & filter frist. if it hasnt been serviced in a while the filter could be getting plugged.
  6. i quit 2 1/2 years ago cold turkey the first 2 weeks will be your worst.just keep telling yourself you went 1 day you can go another.goodluck
  7. 78 malibu

    What do you do?

    manager of a oil change shop
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