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Posts posted by mmrmnhrm

  1. funny thing is I was watching a youtube video this morning and an advertisement came on talking about HELOC loads to pay off your mortgage quicker because the interest isn't amortized... anyone with experience with it or know if it's total BS?


    Was probably BS up until the tax "reform" that just passed. With all the changes to personal exemptions, the standard deduction, and how much interest can be deducted if you itemize, it could conceivably make sense for some people now.

  2. How do you schedule one where they come and look at the car?


    Just call around. When I had my brake failure 18 years ago and went into the back of some poor guy's pickup, places like Pick'n'pull just asked for the make/model/year and a quick rundown of what was damaged, then gave me a quote on the phone. All I had to do at that point was show up at the impound lot with the signed title and lot release, and they took it away on a flatbed.

  3. The problem is, the owner owns all the security footage and he knew police were coming, who knows what was done to the footage before they arrived or sense that time (to be clear, I'm not accusing him of messing with the footage, just stating that since he owns the footage, who knows).


    Just an armchair lawyer here, but I would think tampering/deleting the footage would easily qualify as spoliation, which courts generally treat as "Well, since you got rid of it, it must have been pretty damaging to your case, so we're going to assume that's exactly what it would have showed."


    But as the others have said, people don't generally telegraph their intentions through the regular mail like this. Either the serve you out of the blue, or they don't. It's a pity Ohio doesn't appear to have any anti-SLAPP legislation on the books for you to point to.

  4. Wow, Didn't think they would be that cheap at retail. Thanks bud.


    I've found that Microcenter is typically so close to NewEgg/Amazon pricing now that they include sales tax and shipping, that paying the extra few bucks is well worth the fun of having it RIGHT FSCKING MEOW!!!

  5. How far removed from the networking stuff are you, what platforms are you comfortable with on the networking side and what certs have you obtained.


    We've got a support group here but because we are an infrastructure provider our support really stops at the desktop / user level where it seems you have most of your experience is focused.


    I'm on the build / delivery side of the organization.


    C'mon, Andy, just give him our website :p

  6. AHF has spent $16 million campaigning for this bill here. By comparison Big Pharma has spent $50 million here on issue #2 and $109million in California to try and defeat prop 61 - in both cases it is/was the most expensive ballot measure for either state in the state's history.

    Then maybe we ought to vote it down, just to bring it up again next year. Then rinse and repeat across the nation to bleed big pharma dry?

  7. It'd take research that I don't have the energy for, but I believe that you are supposed to report any purchases you made (online etc..) on your yearly taxes.

    If that's the case, you're supposed to pay one way or another.


    Sorta... and this is how *Ohio* (but not necessarily other states) works:

    If you buy something from anywhere, regardless of whether or not the internet was involved, and no tax is charged, you report the purchase on your annual return (it's towards the end of IT-1040 and called "Use tax") and pay your county's sales tax on it. If tax *was* charged, then you have to figure out what percentage, and pay the difference between what you paid, and what your county would have charged. Thus, if you're in a low-tax county that only charges 5%, but the seller was in Cuyahoga and charged 8%, you're done. If the locations are flipped (seller in 5%, you in 8%), then you're on the hook for just the 3% difference.


    That said, unless you run some kind of business or it's high-dollar, odds are nobody's going to even bother looking. On top of that, large online retailers like Amazon are starting to include the correct tax as part of your order, which while sucky from the "Internet is tax-free!" aspect (not that it ever really was, most states already had these laws on the books but no enforcement mechanism), makes life a lot easier come tax season (I don't have to look back through my credit card statements looking for faded highlighter), and further encourages shopping at already-competitive brick-and-mortar shops (I'm looking at you, Microcenter :) )

  8. OMG last week I was in Streetsboro for a business meeting and Waze made me go 480W to 271N to get back to Columbus


    WTF is up with that??? Unless you enabled "Avoid Toll Roads," the best way from Streetsboro is 80W > 77S > 271S > 71S

  9. 60 hours a month & more in the winter. He'll be ok, Akron to Solon isn't bad as long as he stays away from the 271/480 interchange. There are quite a few members up this way too.


    Ya... One you get past the diamond, Rt 8 from Akron to Macedonia is pretty nice. However, the 480-271 construction is a nightmare if you hit it at the wrong time, so I'd suggest once you get to Macedonia, you take Rt 82 east over to 91 north, and use that to finish the drive in.

  10. Well, I've been in the Columbus area since 1988 and I have been offered a job in Solon.

    Good times... If you don't mind sharing, who with? Grew up in B'ville-BHeights (kirks5oh was one year ahead of me) and living in Solon now :)

  11. ^^^ because big pharm is against it makes me want to vote for it. although its is a cluster fudge of two girls and a cup proportions.


    Pretty much this. From what I gather, most state Medicaid-type plans already negotiate prices down to very close to what the VA pays, so it's not as if the pharma industry is going to be losing a huge amount of money. Then add on the fact that the vast majority of working schmucks like us (not all, but most) get some sort of drug coverage via employment. So maybe co-pays go up a little, but probably not by much since those co-pays are calculated based on the entire pool of employees and the various plans/groups/pools/whatever the HR people work out. So yeah, I don't mind jabbing a stick in their eye, even if it's going to do jack for the occasional script the little one needs for pink eye.

  12. it's hyperlinked in his post.

    :slap: Thanks, Andy :D


    For folks who might be wondering why this role has been posted so much and think it's a red flag...

    Memphis - Dude was caught using company materials (wire, fittings, etc) for side jobs

    Columbus - I got promoted :confused:

    Boston (which I didn't bother posting) - Dude was recruited by Harvard

    Cleveland - Dude was recruited by our largest vendor

  13. Radon testing - You can make this a part of your inspection. IIRC, when I bought the C'bus house in 2013, I used Jim Troth @Habitation Investigation, and that was part of the package. For remediation before selling, I went with Mid-Ohio Radon. I wish I had taken pictures of their work... granted, the basement's layout made for a pretty easy install, but it was still very well-done.
  14. Converted about a year ago simply because I was sick and tired of my family going "Didn't you see the pictures????" Well, of course not. I'm on Droid, you're using all that iPhone-exclusive stuff. For the most part, if there's an app for one OS, there's an equivalent app for the other, often by the same developers. The only exceptions I've found to this so far that I really cared about are WiFi Analyzer (which would be so incredibly helpful in figuring out why my home network sometimes works flawlessly, and sometimes sucks rotting monkey nuts), and Google's SkyMap (wonderful astronomy tool).
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