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Everything posted by BuckeyeGT

  1. by far the funniest man on tv. his goofey improv is amazing funny.
  2. smashing pumpkins- everlasting gaze
  3. Lets hear it. What cheap beer do you find yourself drinking the most? Im stuck between Coors Light and Miller Lite right now.
  4. heres a pic of me and rupert from letterman. this was a while ago. http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g124/brillo898/meandrupert.jpg
  5. not sure why she let that happen.
  6. jewish bexley barbie needed. it should come w/ a set of life size earplugs for the purchaser.
  7. i like the people who say "IM MOVING TO CANADA IF SHES OUR PRESIDENT!!" what a rediculous comment. first of all, no your not. second of all, if your that retarded, id be glad to see you gone. if its the idea of affordable health care you just cant stand, then i wouldnt suggest moving to canada anyway.
  8. myspace has always seemed a little queer to me. a girl made one for me and ive checked it maybe once.
  9. my favorite are the emails from african countries. how the hell does anyone fall for those??
  10. how much for the tracker
  11. thats funny that that ferarri ran 16s w/ the stock motor.
  12. halloween in college= excuse for girls to dress like sluts. themed sluts.
  13. pretty good song. the cd is pretty good too.
  14. thats why i have a campus apt :woowoo: wat ever happened to that vid of the chick doing a striptease in the osu stuff?
  15. what does it say about sonic, when theyve had franchises in white trash areas for years and now are making their central ohio debut in whitehall.
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