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Everything posted by BuckeyeGT

  1. as long as u spray it in his eyes/mouth he shouldnt feel any effects.
  2. yea thats a fukin sweet car. is that a 2v?
  3. badass car! gay paintjob tho.
  4. just stop before you lose all credability man.
  5. o ok. sorry. i didnt know this guy was making a 6 second record breaker for his sons first car. in the real world of mods, ls1s have more potential and everyone in this thread agrees w/ me.
  6. BuckeyeGT


    haha wtf. mine are best... http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g124/brillo898/brothers.jpg
  7. that and mustangs sound better.
  8. i would go w/ the nittos. working with tires the last 3 years has made me very weary of bfg's and most people at my work feel the same.
  9. just go to pepboys if u want cheap. i bet theyd be under or around $200.
  10. 3's killed us both ways. im too pissed to give a shit at this point.
  11. BuckeyeGT

    96' Z28

    stick to focus's.
  12. just buy from mushijobah if you want a nice lt1. new engine, rebuilt tranny, 60k miles, etc...
  13. put that turbo on ur car. thats just the way i feel i feel i feeeeeel
  14. ooo no charles!! i got dis cockroach in fofth grade!!
  15. http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g124/brillo898/mustang.jpg
  16. BuckeyeGT


    fuck florida as well
  17. are these mods mostly bolt-ons?
  18. wtf, i wanted to see the rest of that pic!
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