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Everything posted by mattvr4

  1. My brother might be interested, I will ask him in the morning and get back to you.
  2. Your car looks very nice, friend of mine had a white 87 Conquest in high school. They are such nice and fun cars, one of these days I will proly end up buying one. Once again very nice car, it is so clean.
  3. Nice looking car, nice pictures as well.
  4. mattvr4


    I have been sick for the past week and a half, have not been able to work and I just watch shitty ass tv shows. I'm really freakin bored as well.
  5. Nice wrx, what rims are those? I like them a lot.
  6. Car looks real nice, can't wait to see numbers.
  7. There a couple of places in central Ohio to have some fun at, nice place out on the east side one of which a friend of mine knows the owner of the land, so he does not mind that we go out there. Another place that is I think Grove City area behind a Wal-Mart around 23 and 270. PM for exact locations because I do not remember road names and things like that, or if you want others to go out with you.
  8. +1 on Chapins, they have worked on my cars for years now and always done good work for cheap.
  9. Damn that is real nice, free bump
  10. Get a tele, best sound for the price by far. You can change pickups around and get whatever sound you want. My band has 2 tele's and will never replace them. Any more questions about gear just pm me.
  11. mattvr4

    Cluck-U Chicken

    duncan and high i am pretty sure
  12. My dad might be interested in some of those parts, i will get back to you.
  13. nice car, my friends brother had a supercharged 5.0 explorer, it was sick.
  14. yeah, i second that, i want mine back real bad.
  15. i will call my friend i think he has some, i will get back to you.
  16. foofoomaru, i would recommend to if you can if you get a ampeg, try to get the oldest you can find, the new ones just don't have the low end. The bass player in my band has a 72 with the same head you have a pic of, and has used the same set up but with newer a ampeg 8x10 and the 72 is world of difference. The best part is he got it for $700...
  17. let me make some calls, i might have some friends that have some laying around.
  18. real nice cars, especially the vr4, i really really miss mine.
  19. My friend has a 1st gen eclipse(not sure year but can find out) fwd turbo he is selling for $1500, runs solid. PM for more details.
  20. I thought the provider was going to be AT&T, but that is just what i heard. Also I am pretty sure the phone itself costs $500.
  21. mattvr4

    Off Road Help

    I know of a couple places that i have never had troubles off roading at, one on the east side and one north of Polaris. PM me and i can give you more details.
  22. Check out forgottenoh.com, they have a lot of good places to go and explore in Ohio.
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