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Everything posted by mattvr4

  1. thats is a real clean car. you have to also hope that when the clutch is replaced that the tranny doesnt grind. i personally would not buy a 3S with out being able to drive through all the gears. if you have any more questions just pm me.
  2. i have someone that might be interested, i will contact you if they want to look at it
  3. 3sx will have the 3rd gen lifter for about 280 i think. also check out the for sale section on 3si.org. and i might have the part that goes around the radio i will have to check my garage for it.
  4. yea you can put together a 2 inch lift for real cheap... hal just call or pm if you really think about it and i can help you out
  5. mattvr4

    2003 Cobra

    tempting... but have to wait a bit longer until i can buy another car
  6. mattvr4

    Dyno Graph

    those are some real nice numbers
  7. nice jeep, i have alot of jeep guys that might be interested, free bump
  8. most shops would just send it away to a place or do it themselves. proly no more then 500. that was how much passen said it would cost to get my old 2.3 turbo ford t3 turbo rebuilt. also check turboford.org you might be able to pick up a good t3 there for cheap
  9. finnally it is paying off to be a tigers fan. that game was amazing.
  10. nice going hal, i think you are going to owe me a ride.
  11. very nice truck.. if you ever want to go off roading or anything pm me with your number. i have a couple of friends with jeeps and we are always down for some off roading. but very nice truck i like alot
  12. they will most likely end up losing 3 or 4 games i think
  13. mattvr4

    My M3 Build Up

    wow that is amazing. nice build
  14. there is a difference between grand national's, the t-type's, and especially the gnx. and also a huge price difference. buick only made about 500 of the gnx model. 1-8 vr-4 8-15 buick grand national 15-25 evo 25-40 cobra 40+ zo6
  15. very nice, clean. i have always really liked those cars alot. im jealous.
  16. you will be in my prayers
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