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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Now, for a funny racism pic. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/Racism.jpg
  2. I do, however, this neighborhood well known as a very bad drug and crime ridden area. They have gone thru great lengths to try to improve the area. Including even changing the street names to shake the bad image. Personally, I don't think the area is bad at all, especially compared to other places I've lived. Sure, there's still a lot of shady deals going on around here and a regular cop presence (they don't patrol alot, just get called a lot). My point is, I don't live in fear whatever area I live in. Have bad things happened to me? Yes. But it doesn't rule my life. Shit happens. You win by living your life free of fear and paranoia.
  3. Hmm. I'd be worried about getting popped there. There's some great spots in and around Delaware where you wont' be bothered. Digging the 4runner, too.
  4. I haven't been to blockbuster in forever, but the couple times I asked them before, they didn't have any. However, maybe that's changed. I'll have to go and check it out today. Thanks. If anyone has any more info, let me know in case this doesn't work out.
  5. That's what that pic was last night.... Tell Mandi I send her my best wishes.
  6. lol That may be the case as you've pointed out before. However, I find your statement possibly racist. You may want to recall that I'm just in the other room, Cholo-mbian.
  7. ImUrOBGYN

    3d glasses?

    Does anyone know where I can get some regular blue/red 3d glasses? I'm going to need 3 pairs to buy, borrow, or whatever. Thanks.
  8. Debating with me is racist. I can't even leave my house without thinking my white neighbors are going to come and take it over. Claiming manifest destiny or some shit. Luckily, I have black neighbors on my east side, now. (Dunno know how many of you will actually get that reference. lol) Seriously, though, I can respect that you don't mind being stopped for no reason, however, that's your opinion. Many do mind for reasons I've already mentioned. As far as the rest goes, I'm not worried about my home being broke into. I've lived in far worse places than what Columbus has to offer and have never feared a break-in, etc. Nor, have I ever really needed the services of the police. Quite the opposite, I've been harassed more times than they've been helpful. I DO NOT live in fear and I DO NOT need to relinquish my freedoms for paranoia, mine or any others. Currently, I live in one of the worse neighborhoods known around here. Granted, they've really cleaned it up from what I've heard and things are far from perfect, but I've never had a problem (well, for a little bit, but they were neighbors who were disrespectful assholes, took care of that...). Car left open, garage left open, doors, etc. Guess what, never a problem. I don't need to be harassed by the police to not have my stuff stolen. You say, "People want everything but want to sacrifice nothing." I agree, however, you may want to take a step back and try to understand perspective. You say this as an example of my type. However, with a clear and open mind, maybe you can see how I view it. I'll even use your quote context. I want Freedom, and I'm willing to Sacrifice some fear, harassment, and paranoia for my given and rightful freedoms.
  9. Nice but needs more fog. Fog = Power.
  10. Sooooo.... if you don't have the mr2 OR the NSX, what do you have, now?
  11. ImUrOBGYN


    He looked like he was crying during the game.
  12. That's racist. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/ChinoMe.jpg I'll choose freedom.
  13. That pic that was posted above isn't even the final pic. The guy purchased it and has been having it torn down and redone/improved. I haven't really kept up with it, though, so I don't know the details.
  14. Well, that sucks. Who's gonna be the first to look at him, sniff the air a bit, and proudly exclaim, "Did you shit yourself?"
  15. Welcome to CR. I know how you feel about the driving, however, dont' count Ohio out, yet. The roads exist if you know where to find them.
  16. Anyone ever mention exactly what he was out for? They kept it pretty hush.
  17. When did it stop being fuckin America! I'm out at 3 fuckin am because I can. Because I want to be. Because this is supposed to be a free fuckin country! Because I chose to go out at night, my freedoms are questioned? Because Im driving an old car in a nice neighborhood, because you think I look a certain age, because I'm latino in a predominantly white neighborhood, etc, etc. (btw, all situations I've faced personally. Sadly, the list goes on. ) (Thought I'd add here that the following isn't directed at anyone in particular.) I understand being proactive in fighting 'wrongdoers', but do not encroach on my freedoms. You see, that's the trade, man, for living in a country where you are supposed to not only have freedom, but be innocent until proven guilty. This will be a main contributor to the destruction of this country and what it's supposed to stand for. Everyone is so scared of everyone else having 'freedom' and what they may do with it, that they'll change laws, take away our privacy and freedoms, because they don't have to have the courage to face the world or because those in fear are easier to control for their own gains and continue to blame others; blacks, mexicans, whites, republicans, democrats, men, women, gays, catholics, etc, etc, etc. And again, it comes to this. None of those groups are bad on thier own. It's the pricks of all different colors in each of those groups and many others. It's the extremists, the cowards, the close-minded, those that would twist the most righteous things into something perverse. Ask yourself if you are one of these people. Stop blaming race and start blaming the individual and start by looking at yourself.
  18. I don't really feel there's much truth to that. In my experience, I've found poor people are more likely to goto jail. The only color it's really about is green, baby. However, I have faced/witnessed a couple racist judges (when you have a lot of power, I guess you stop trying to hide the fact so much) though, I know and would like to assume, they don't represent everyone in the legal system.
  19. As I said, the post is so cluttered with bullshit (we won't go into the "hard to read part"), it's hard to find this "point" you are making. Or, maybe, not so hard to see the point you may be trying to make but the fact that I can't read halfway thru it without the entire post losing credibility for me. It was biased, unproven and instigating. Like many of the posts in here, it's based on assumptions, loose math, and ignorance. However, I never said that there wasn't any truth to it. Just a terrible post, email, whatever. Really? I should ask you the same. What experience do you have with this very same situation you feel so obliged to comment on? Please, regal me with your tales of experience. Here's a kicker. Let me tell you all what I'm beginning to see. Some whites whining about what they want or don't get and everyone else does. The irony in this, is that they complain that blacks and other minorities do the same. Hmm. This will never end. Selfishness, guilt, ego, lies and the need to blame others. It's not one races fault. Race isnt' the issue. It's the pricks that come in all different colors that's the problem.
  20. It uses a boxer motor. That doesn't mean it's a Subaru. There hasn't even been mention of whether it'll be a new co-developed boxer motor, either. Not to mention, having driven both Subies and Yotas, I find the ride and quality of workmanship, parts and fit much better in the Toyota. I have a lot of hope for this car. I hope they don't disappoint.
  21. Eh, that's comparable. (I'm being sarcastic. )
  22. haha Hilarious. lol This shit cracked me up, too. Oh, and this is classic Pat Robertson.
  23. Holy crap, the first post is so full of shit I can't even see the parts that may make sense.
  24. Wow, a lot better than I thought. I haven't gotten to the end, yet, to see how he behaves. You find many artist are a bit eccentric in some form or other, though.
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