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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Mention this to Fubar (Shane). He may be interested.
  2. Why? That's a perfectly good little TRex arm there. It was good enough for one of the greatest predators to ever walk the Earth, it's good enough for her. Now, her left hand I would just encase in metal, like bronze or something. Like a big club.
  3. We're hunting for a wagon or small suv, if it weren't lacking awd, I would be all over this.
  4. Yes, because that's just how they live in the wild. lol It always bothers me when people say that about certain species in relation to habitat size. I've always utilized the largest tank for any specie of animal I've owned that was available and that I had room for. In providing a proper in-tank enviroment, you fulfill all the animals needs including cover. Just because the animal isn't moving when you're looking at it, I can guarantee it's ticking off the miles at some point and a small enclosure can actually contribute to the animal's stress. You always base tank size on what you can afford and, obviously, have the room for. If that's still too small for the animal you want, you need a new animal or you do what Thorne's doing. This is an educated decision from studied curriculum, gobs of experience with mulitiple species and having even managed a pet store, as well. After rereading this, let me just say this wasn't directed at you, Tyler. I just wanted to clear that up. I find I disagree with much of what pet store people say.
  5. I've always been fascinated by "clockwork" both real and "steampunk" type.
  6. Ok, I was thinking of finally starting this. I had it before, but lost it all when my harddrive crashed. I know there are at least a few people on here who've used P90. My birfday is coming up and I was considering asking for equipment the program requests. I would like to know what your experience has been with it, good or bad, however minute or grand the experience was for you. Any other info would be excellent, ie; opinions, how long before results, etc. Thanks all.
  7. I doubt it. Is there pussy really worth that shit? I can tell you from experience, FUCK NO.
  8. So, did you survive this or what? If you don't want the bitches there, say so. Be a fuckin man. Otherwise, give em the cock. Either way = you needing to man up. But watch your ass. Never assume because they're women they're incapable of fucked up shit you wouldn't expect.
  9. I get another online one, as well. Can't even recall the name offhand. Some are free, some cost.
  10. I read recently it was scheduled for release in Japan in June of 2010 with a very quick release to the US. Supposedly, they were only waiting for advertising talks to finish and that would be the delay or some shit. I wish I could remember where I saw that article. When did you hear about the Feb date? I'd much rather believe yours. Update: Seems they're calling for a March '10 release. I'm not sure if that's a global or Japanese market release date, though.
  11. His bottom half went onto to become a semi-accomplished actor playing the part of Assy McGee. Ah, fuck, if there were a hell you'd find me in it... lol
  12. Fuck Denver. I hope they all float off the top of the Earth up there.
  13. This is a subscription I receive in my email from Motor Age. Here's the link for the current issue. I find some interesting info in there time to time and I thought I'd try sharing it from now on. Let me know if the link doesn't work. http://digital.search-autoparts.com/nxtbooks/advanstar/ma1009/#/0
  14. I've been playing it, as well. (BTW, the parking brake is the R1 button.) The analog control is a bit weird to get used to but once used to it, is much better than using the digital control for steering. You can change these in options, I believe. There is some tuning that is allowed if the car you have is 'favorited'. Also, I'm not concerned with the lack of parts or in depth tuning simply because I enjoy racing the cars as they are. Stock for stock. That's the whole point of a sim to me. Not to Nascar them out (or whatever other racing that's comparitive) making them all the same fuckin car with different names. Completing challenges will unlock a couple things, not only give you money. You can also play your own music while you play once that is unlocked. There are more challenges than you think. Endless stream of cars, shit loads of tracks, some I've really fuckin missed. I do miss the lack of a sim mode as in previous gt's. Also, in options, you can install the UMD and drastically reduce load times. I suggest you plug it in for this as it will only take 15min to install that way. Norm installed his while riding in the car with me and it took 45min. It's pretty easy to make money and you can earn cars at a rate of 10 to 1 compared to how it will be in GT5. You will also be able to transfer your garage to GT5 once it's released. I personally will not be doing that. I would like to start fresh. I know I'm missing some things and shit, but that's the gist. I feel they really hit the spot just enough to fill in the void until the middle of next year and the release of GT5. Bastards.
  15. I've thought of this among other things. Is anyone really suprised that there's possibly some underhanded shit going on with this whole C4C?
  16. Holy shit. Reminds me of the movie The Thing or some shit. I kept expecting a tentacle to shoot out from it. Damn, man. I wonder how they guy looks now or if this is recent, how he will look later. I feel bad for that guy. I think I'd just wanna die after that.
  17. I've always heard them called traction bars.
  18. Yosemite is going up a huge fuckin fireball before too long. You know they've been finding places up there where the ground is so hot (and you can't tell until you're standing there) that it's actually melted the bottoms of shoes. I'd look for a few articles, but Im pushed for time right now.
  19. More so for just the fallout from them than the actual videos.
  20. I'm betting he had the issue many new WRX's were having. With the oiling problem or whatever it turned out to be. I know there have been shit tons of people who've had to take their car back and have the motor replaced. Most of them under warranty.
  21. This guy's an idiot. It's not about the word but the context it's used in. What a fuckstick. Apparently, his vocab is severely limited, as well. His nohomo vid is a fuckin classic, however. He also tries to use homosexuality to disprove evolution, but his argument actually does the opposite.
  22. Really?! That's his fucking "scientific experiment"? I bet he drank that when he was done. Possibly rubbed it all over his body. I hope he marries someone with aids. lol
  23. He's too cool for that.
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