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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. And dammit, one more fuckin thing. If you are company that does business in the US, how can you be allowed to do your business utilizing a country's factories, etc with a complete disregard to evironment and safety and that breaks every fuckin law in the US for similar factories, etc? You shouldn't be allowed to fuckin do that!!! And don't give me some fuckn bullshit about "Gubberment can't diddle with coporations, etc!" Well, if you didn't know it before, you know now through recent history that's a load of fuckin shit.. floating down the Yangtze River. /rant I think.
  2. China isn't a example of true communism. However, no matter what country you look to, whatever "system" they supposedly live by, is almost never a true representation of that "system". Socialism, communism, capitalism, etc is all great in theory. They all 'work'. If we were robots. But like all things we touch with our greedy, grubby little hands, we corrupt, destroy and taint it. Twist it for our gains at the loss of our own people's. The world is full of fuck twats. FUCK! Looking at those pics make me so fuckin angry. No country is perfect and we all pollute, but that's not even fuckin effort. They maybe on the other side of the world but they arestill sharing this fuckin planet with the rest of us. This should NOT be allowed by any fuckin country!
  3. First of all, don't fuckin run your mouth and judge people without knowing them. You don't know the situation, you weren't there, so try to control yourself. Just because you're friends with them, doesn't mean it applies to this situation. You're comparing apples and oranges. And just to be clear, you defending the gentleman is perfectly acceptable. Where you screwed up was your biased, disrespectful attack on the other party. Do you recklessly react this way all the time? I see you're in the Army. I hope not. Oh, and let's not forgot that the person you are defending has more than one strike/post against him already in this thread. Should everyone else go fuck themselves, too?
  4. That sucks, man. I agree with what this guy says. lol Was thinking the same thing.
  5. Hmm. I just ate pancakes from BoB Evans and I have a feeling those bad boys are gonna sit in a lump at the bottom of my stomach for most of the day. Fighting a food coma as it is. I'd like to go as I don't ever get to do shit on Sat but I don't wanna sit around like an idiot while everyone else eats. Is eating the only thing going down?
  6. I love everything from ants to elephants. I began with marine biology but started becoming more interested in entomology. I do love some bugs. I've found I can tell the most disinterested bug person things about insects that they'll find amazing to unbelievable.
  7. lol Nice back story. You should see the size of the female mantis I have now. She's a good 4-4.5 inches, at least. They generally lay their egg sacs between Sep and Oct, as well. I'd take a pic if my damn camera was working. So, far we've had them in the backyard every year. And every year, there's always at least one newborn female that remains around the same bushes by my backdoor. Obviously, there's a male sneaking around somewhere, too, since I get a new egg sac every year.
  8. That is pretty impressive. But holy shit, some of those people, especially that one guy in the white T, are some hardcore jumproping fans.
  9. Oh, and if that was it, here's some more info. If you have an outside light and a porch or corner or whatever, these guys will be find their way to it as long as the weather isn't too cold. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orb-weaver_spider
  10. Hard to say for sure since I can't make out it's thorax and you have the abdomen upside down, but it looks like a species of orb weaver. Nocturnal, build a new web every evening. Wasps love 'em. Relatively harmless to humans. They're very common down south and I can't count the amount of time i've run through a web of theirs and was forced into the 'freakout and run around smacking myself" dance. I've seen these things spread a web across an entire dirt road before in Texas. Here are some pics. They are not the exact same markings, but there are many very closely related species and marking may differ between members of the same species. The shape should be the same, though. http://eecue.com/img/images_pic-medium-27700-Common_Orb_Weaver.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v329/noshoes/orb-weaver-1.jpg http://share.triangle.com/sites/share-uda.triangle.com/files/images/Orb%20Weaver%20Spider%208-14-08%203.preview.JPG
  11. ImUrOBGYN


    Lettuce, yarn and one lesser soul gem.
  12. You should agitate it, rub on your body and lick it. An excerpt: The millipedes' secretions induce an excited state in the monkeys that lasts up to 30 minutes, kind of like how cats react to catnip. ''They bite the millipedes, then reach behind their back and rub it on their fur,'' said Evans, who added that the behavior is natural but rarely seen. ``Their eyes glaze over and they're completely focused on what they're doing.'' Last week, one monkey shared a millipede with four family members and the entire family turned into a ``writhing mass.'' ''Could it be we have stumbled upon an ancient primate form of hallucinogens?'' Hoffman said. ``Who knows?'' And a vid: On this episode of Animal Planet's "Fooled by Nature," on the island of Madagascar, the black lemur find the bug repellent properties of the millipede to be both anti-parasitic and intoxicating. http://animal.discovery.com/videos/fooled-by-nature-medicinal-millipedes.html
  13. If you were catching said bees and wasps, anyway, wouldn't that have been the cure to your issue in the first place?
  14. I concur. I've actually enjoyed each for what they offer. However, given the choice of only one series, GT all the way. lol
  15. After some thought, I've decided to challenge you to a race. GT or Mario Kart. lol
  16. I heard no later than june, that it was supposed to be a very quick release to Europe and the US after the Japanese release. They were supposedly only working on advertising contracts and the like before settling on an actual date, I guess.
  17. This guy. :thumbup: :jerkit: :gtfo:, then.
  18. Pretty dog. How do you know the mix? 35lbs full size just isn't a dobie/collie mix. Way too small. As far as biting when playing, they're dogs. They don't have hands. They grasp with their jaws. If you want them to stop, don't let them do it. They should understand, "No.", by now. But don't expect them to learn the first time you try. How old is she? She doesn't look very old. Like children, many times you gotta tell them more than once. It's all about repetition with a pet. Good luck with finding her a home, she looks like a sweet little puppah.
  19. I think I covered a thread on these awhile back. Common house centipede. The turbo'd, lifted centipede of the centipede world. Voracious eaters of other insects. One of the few reasons I have so few spiders and other bugs in my garage. When I do find them in the house, I generally throw them in the garage or just outside. Pretty harmless to people and non-aggressive. Very active at night. Over the last week, on separate occasions, I've actually found 3 little babies in my bathroom sink. Barely longer than a grain of rice. Scooped each one and out to the garge they went. I've kept a few as pets, too. They really won't attack each other but any other bugs or spiders I find, they usually dispatch of promptly.
  20. Dammit. My bday was this day and I did nothing. (Had plans on Sat.) I still would've come if I'd seen this.
  21. That time of the year, I guess. Like that everywhere. lol The wasps, etc are getting bad lately, too. We've experienced similar problems. Again, this early cold has thrown them all off and they're either searching like hell for a warm place or they're late on breeding/new queen arrivals and are looking like hell for a warm place. They're especially agressive and protective when stressed or on the move. STILL WAITING FOR SPIDER PICS! I love seeing them, well, of any bugs, actually.
  22. Goddammit. This was the one. I wish I'd taken a pic of the guy I saw at a restaraunt. He only had his left arm and he wore a shirt that said, "I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous." ........bwhahahahaha!!! Oh fuck, it's still funny to me.
  23. Looks nice, man. For some reason, that was the exact color scheme I thought of when you called me. Dunno why. I was even looking at an Outback Sport someone had just traded in for a Tacoma that was a completely different color. When we come over with the RAV, I need you to take some pics of it, too. Our f'n camera died. I think the shutter may be stuck shut inside. Then, when race for pinks.
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