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Posts posted by Exodus

  1. As ugly and underpowered as the elio may be, I'd still like to get my hands on one for fun. I hope they make it to production.


    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

  2. eh...they do and they don't, which is probably the least satisfactory answer.


    The Federal and State governments don't physically hand over sweaty fistfuls of taxpayer dollars directly to Elon Musk and Tesla just because they are Tesla.


    Musk's Business model for Tesla, Space X, etc...has been to go where the government(s) is already offering something in exchange for innovation and qualifying for the program.


    Grants: I believe that while Space X and other ventures have received grants (or as I called it above, sweaty fistfuls of money) Tesla has not received any. This is likely because there were no government grants looking to develop an electric car.


    Tax Breaks: this is probably the most interesting one because Tesla can (and has) received tax breaks directly from the government in exchange for revitalizing an area or building a factory, but the government can give a tax break to consumers who purchase the type of product Tesla makes, thus incentivizing the market to spend more with them.


    Discounted Loans: Tesla has received at least one from the DOE for the Advanced Tech vehicle mfg program, for which other auto mfgs have qualified for and received as well. This was a low interest loan available to any mfg making an advanced tech vehicle that met the programs specs, and not there for tesla's benefit.


    Environmental Credits: Because Tesla makes a product that reduces automotive emissions he qualifies for ZEV credits. Evey automaker gets these, but since Tesla doesn't make a gasoline powered car it has no use for them, so it sells them to other companies that need them to...ahem...cough...pump out more F250 diesels or something like that. Selling these credits makes extra money for the company.


    So does Tesla get direct government support? very little. Is Tesla really good at understanding government programs available to everyone and how to qualify for them? yes they are.


    Depending on what side of the political isle you sit on, the government is either bankrolling Tesla through shady programs and Tesla is gaming the system or Tesla is just creating a product that the government wants to encourage and if it were not Tesla it would be another company doing the exact same thing (since other Companies like GM, Honda, and Toyota do exactly the same thing).




    or because this is CR:



    Thanks for that. I learned something new today.


    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

  3. You're reading too much Breitbar, put down the kool-aid son.

    I was actually asking. I always thought they got billions in government money. Wasn't sure though.


    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

  4. Tesla, though backed by a billionaire, got started with about that much money. But Tesla was planning cars that were 20x as expensive, with new and untested technology.


    Elio is just a modern day DeLorean that didn't even get that far.

    Didn't tesla get billions in government money?


    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

  5. Are you on LTE all the time?

    Yes most of the time. I tether to my car radio as well.


    I also got unlimited data in Montreal and Toronto this past year. Super happy with my carrier. I had sprint and didn't really have issues there either. Verizon and att have always been out of my price range for plans. I prefer a GSM carrier though so I can buy unlocked phones.


    Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk

  6. So previous years my wife and I as well as my parents have used a tax accountant to file our returns do to the ease and multiple deductions via tools for work, child care and such.


    Doing my wife's and myself's taxes this year via TurboTax. So far I'm seeing a lot more in terms of return than previous years. Income has been similar with the exception of my wife and myself only having one w2 each. I'm doing everything by the books and following instructions to a T with complete honesty.


    What I'm wondering is how accurate TurboTax is and will I have to worry about getting audited if our return is way different than precocious years. So far I'm looking at about 2.5 times my previous years returns.

    I gave up on those programs and tax companies like hr block years ago and got a CPA. Very satisfied. We also structure our withholding so we don't owe or get a "refund" so we know what to expect.


    Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk

  7. yes but it may not breed the innovation you want if the student is no longer viewed as the product. This is one of those areas where things get dicey. Private not for profit might continue that line, private for profit - the innovation might be how to cheat children out of education to maximize profit. It's a way more complex issue without a simple solution.


    But that's just assuming that if you are a for profit entity that you are automatically not going to act in the best interest of the child/customer. That you are a scam artist or more prone to be one. And I just don't believe the evidence supports that. We have seen government corruptness and private sector corruptness. Unfortunately this isn't a perfect world. But I'd rather give my child the opportunity of a better education by being able to vote with my child's education dollars, rather than throwing it in a bucket and hoping the federal government knows what's best for my child and knows how to spend my money.


    If a school is cutting corners for profit, not for profit, charter, public, or private. I don't care, I am going to take my child elsewhere and that should be my choice as a parent. If my child leaves that institution, the money should go with my child. That's a great incentive for schools to better educate our children.


    But then again, this entire conversation is assuming I believe the State should be involved in education in the first place.. which I don't.

  8. Get rid of teachers unions. Create a voucher program to give public schools competition. As stated earlier. Everyone complains about the public school system but then they cry when someone isn't appointed that wants to expand the public school system. Have we learned that the more control the government has on almost anything, the worse it becomes? Private > Govt.


    I'm with you. At the very least get rid of mandatory membership (including fees) in any sort of direct or indirect taxpayer funded union. Let those who want the benefits to be allowed to join and those who do not, voluntarily opt out and not get the benefits. Key word there is voluntary.



    Competition breeds innovation... but when you have an entity that has a monopoly on education (the state) then there is no incentive to improve and save the taxpayers money.


    I'm in favor of some school choice/voucher program. In the end it's my money and my child's education... Shouldn't I have a bit more control over that? Why does the State get to choose for me?


    Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk

  9. Looking back at the past 30 years of our public education systems, especially in the cities and knowing that things are still as bad as they are yet we continue to chase flat-line shit results with more and more tax dollars I think your point also applies to the system as we know it today.

    Agreed. We keep throwing money at the system and nothing has happened. The same people are complaining about about the same problems year after year.


    I'm not particularly of the belief that the State should be involved in any way in the educational system... but because that's where we are and will most likely stay... I do believe that if parents are going to have money taken from them for educational purposes, that the parents should be able to choose specifically on an individual level how that money is spent. Vouchers? I don't know what it would look like but hopefully something better than what we have today in the publically funded school system.

  10. I forgot about it until this thread got bumped, but I think I saw this car in the Marconi garage downtown a month ago or more. I actually turned into the "empty' parking spot, only to find it deep in there lol. Super tiny.

    That's the garage I park in for work. You'll see it around there ever so often.


    I've learned to park towards the edge of the spot so people don't assume it's empty and come barreling into the spot.


    Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk

  11. I used to fly drones. As soon as the FAA regulations came in, I sold it all off and stopped flying altogether. Not interested in having my fun regulated.


    Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk

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