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Everything posted by Exodus

  1. Exodus

    IE 9 WOW!

    Lol I just read that you are the resident apple nut. Now I know what this means.
  2. I would tell myself to dress better and to not be such a douche to people and not to judge people before knowing them.
  3. I still torrent from my phone so my traffic is usually high. I know at&t is catching on as well with their customers. I wonder if i request a new sim card with a new sim identification number is that will change things.
  4. I should probably just order home internet then..
  5. Exodus

    IE 9 WOW!

    my firefox 3.6.11 and above wont work with flash player. I switched to IE9 for now and it works for me.
  6. Just got a text from t-mobile letting me know to stop tethering.. I instantly didn't think anything of it and continued on. Minutes later they shut it off. Is there anyway around this? I have been using my wireless tether app on my rooted mytouch 4g. If I switch to the "Easytether" app will it work again?
  7. Looking for: Front bumper cover Side skirts for a 96-98 hatchback rear cargo cover let me know thank you
  8. 8/hr at start with room to move up and make more $$
  9. Looking for a computer tech full time at 8/hr.. M-F 9am-6pm You need to be able to: Diagnose software and hardware problems on desktops and laptops with great skill. Solder power jacks Knowledge of software on desktops, including windows installs, drivers, office 2010, etc... This is probably about the easiest job anyone could do. I can also train the right person.. Thats really about it, oh and common sense is a must. This position is in bexley area. pm me you're info.
  10. I hope it goes well, its a very competitive strategy. I bet Verizon and sprint will one day merge.
  11. I don't even own a tv. I just watch whatever I can online, and download from open wifi networks.
  12. coming from a long time iphone user and then switching to my android. Apple = shit.
  13. Exodus


    Well whenever you want to go get drunk at the bar and do stupid dances, pm me. as long as females are involved.
  14. Exodus


    haha, whatever happened to the lawnmower?
  15. Exodus


    Can we start exterminating people who dance like this?
  16. sad. lol at watson. Doesn't "it" have an avatar now or something?
  17. So do I, but it is also a dual core i5. As technology progresses and phones get better and better processors like 1.2 dual cores and 1.6 dual cores etc, I see those as having issues as well. I think by keeping it clean, changing thermal paste once every 6-12 months it should be too bad of an issue.
  18. Not long, The SSD is replaceable. I would out in a bigger HD and dual boot with android or ubuntu. shit, or mac os x
  19. Personal facebook win. On my part. I am Eddie fyi http://i56.tinypic.com/2ia634w.jpg http://i53.tinypic.com/wb9fu9.jpg http://i54.tinypic.com/11c77eh.jpg http://i51.tinypic.com/kvl84.jpg
  20. I need to get out to the meets, my work schedule doesn't permit me a lot of free time but I want to make it to a few. Especially when it gets warmer.
  21. I hear that. But the most powerful windows tablet on the market. I'd like to have it after the price drops a bit. The only reason I am in the market for a tablet such as this is for the windows compatibility for the programs I use at work. And HD porn on the go.
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