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Everything posted by Exodus

  1. http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/buy/featured/asus/default.aspx i5 tablet with 4gb ram. I want it.
  2. Been there tons of times, I love it.
  3. maybe they would starve and just die?
  4. x2, i'd like to know too. are you using an android app?
  5. Any good apps to get free apps on the android besides applanet?
  6. Exodus

    Valentines Day..

  7. trade for a 94 del sol slight bubbling on right side but no rust. 48k on the d16a6. 5sp.
  8. trade for a dell laptop? pm me for specs
  9. Exodus

    Valentines Day..

    I say we do 3d dodgeball http://columbus.skyzonesports.com/3DSPORTS/3DDodgeball.aspx
  10. Exodus

    Valentines Day..

    reservations are for 10 ppl or more and 1.50 extra a person to reserve. LMK
  11. Exodus

    Valentines Day..

    In for that. I'm taking my girl just because I don't like doing typical things on v-day.
  12. On a Side note, I recently accepted Christ, but removing the ten commandments doesn't bother me.
  13. someone left their tampon in too long but really that sucks. GL
  14. I would do things to her illegal in 9 countries
  15. Thanks man, I really like my mytouch 4g, the only place I don't get service is inside shisha lounge on cam pus, but I can call and text over wifi no problem. I travel outside of 270 and to and from cincy all the time and have no issues. All im waiting on now is the gingerbread rom for the mytouch
  16. on screen keyboard. Live it, Love it, Learn it.
  17. The NAACP wouldn't let this pass. they will call it racist. idiots..
  18. YES!!! PASS IT. even if it hits other states it will help ours by freeing up money in the government.
  19. looks cool, does the same shit as my mytouch. I can't wait for skype mobile with video chat.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgA8-yPdEdU&feature=related
  21. Wow, never heard of that. I got the mytouch 4g a few months ago and haven't had any issues with service, bills, or reliability on their network.
  22. The bird is in fact the word. Actually for anyone looking for new service and a decent phone T-mobile is offering all phones for free this weekend with contract. Including the smartphones. http://www.engadget.com/2011/02/07/t-mobile-offering-all-phones-for-free-on-contract-this-weekend/
  23. Exodus


    The animation on KFCs website is actually pretty funny, check it out. http://www.kfc.com
  24. My friend is looking for a small commuter car and she found this. http://columbus.craigslist.org/ctd/2196712517.html I don't know much about these but is this worth it?
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