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Posts posted by Exodus

  1. http://www.bannedinhollywood.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/1279875718_streetfighter-fish-hadouken.gif











  2. what do you guys use to clean grill grates? im looking for something better than just easy-off, as ive never had much luck with it...the grates on my grill thats ~2 months old are already looking pretty crappy. i hit it with the wire brush after every use.


    really want to find something to take off the bulk of the shit burnt onto it at the end of this summer, so even if they have to soak for a while, no problem.


    I've used lemon juice before as long as the grill grate is super hot first. The citric acid eats away at it.

  3. Is there anyone on the board that does it? I have a oppurtunity to do so but wanted to know of the pros and cons from a none employer view. Cause you know the employer will talk it up and such. So any info would be great. And please dont shit in this thread i need info.


    is this for primerica?

  4. I'm sure this is already a law, but people should have to pull into the lane closest to them, so I can turn into the lane closest to me and we can all be happy.. Instead of me turning when they turn and they honk at me and I give them the finger for being a moron and not paying attention to simple traffic laws.
  5. how could i go about asking the city to install street lights in my neighborhood? is this even something they'd consider, or is that one of those things that has to be done when building up the neighborhood to run power lines and such? its not a big area, maybe 100 houses, but its always dark as fuck, even when people keep their front lights on.




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