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Posts posted by Exodus

  1. I used to live there.. about 6 months after I moved out, a collection agency called me asking for money because of some carpet we ruined, or something. I googled them and everything and it was a legit agency, but the I was pissed it went that far without the complex ever once contacting me about it first. Fuck that place.


    Nothing but trouble. They wont fix anything on time and they have serious communication issues. I gave them a huge list of things to fix before I moved in and nothing was ever replaced. My baseboards were shit, kitchen cabinets were fucked. Floors sucked. Paint splatter everywhere. and a bunch of other issues. I figure if im going to pay 799 to live in a place like that they should do something.

  2. I used to work at a apartment complex (River Oaks in hilliard, Avalon Oaks off Georgesville, and Schirm Farms in Canal Winchester) and my best advice, clean EVERYTHING you can as good as possible, then afterwords take pictures of everything. My manager would find any little stupid fucking thing possible, then charge people for it. Go over your house, clean everything you can (Even inside your oven), and then take pictures of evrything once it has been cleaned. It would even help you more if you had pictures of the place before moving in.


    Good luck man, but just try to clean it as much as possible then take pictures of it so you have evidence saying it was XXX clean etc.


    I will. I took pics of it before moving in as well.

  3. UGH! I lived there and went through the exact same situation.


    Take pictures when you move out or do the walk through with the leasing manager (they won't do that though).


    You will get hit with roughly $500-$1500 in "cleaning fees" no matter what.


    I was charged $15 for excessive dust on the ceiling fans, and a $600 window that was cracked during an ice storm 8 months prior, that they never fixed but where told about every single month.


    That place is shady as hell.


    I am still going to throw a brick throw the leasing office window one of these days.


    Good luck.


    They can blow me over 500-1500 cleaning fees. That shit better not happen.

  4. i think they are just hoping you will pay them the extra money and pull a fast one on you


    Correct. They attempted to argue with me one the phone over what I would be paying, and I just let them know I will only e paying through the 13th and I will hand over my keys and garage door opener.


    I started this thread just to get some extra advice from CR members who have more experience dealing with this sort of shit than I do.


    Although fire bombing sounds nice it's out of the picture haha

  5. I understand what I can do legally if needed. I would just not like to deal with all of that bs. It almost seems like leasing offices abide by their own laws and don't care what others think. But I will pay until the 13th and respectfully leave my apartment in the condition it was rented in and move on. If I need to go to court, then so be it.


    Thanks everyone. Issue has been resolved.

  6. Well if you have a letter from them confirming that they received your notice to vacate and understand the date at which you're doing it, just take a copy of it down to them, show the head bitch in charge, and it's a done deal. I'm assuming the letter you received from them is signed by someone in charge there, correct? If so, pay what you're responsible for and leave, if they try and come after you for an additional 5 days of rent it'll suck in court for them if you have that letter.


    Yes signed from someone in charge. Who I might had is a red head/ginger and most have no souls. I was thinking about writing them a letter and carbon copying my attorney on it?

  7. As per my lease here at Lakeview Square Apartments I put in my 60-day notice to move out. I put it in July 13th so I should technically good to move out on Sept 13th ish. After I gave the notarized letter to my apt complex, about a month later they sent me a letter confirming my move out to be sept 13th. Well Yesterday they sent me a notice asking for all of Septembers rent, all the way to the 30th. I called and told them per my notice im moving out on the 13th. They told me they had me in the computer moving out on the 18th and that they never "received" my letter until the 20th of July. So they said I only owe rent until the 18th, but I told them per my notice and confirmation letter from them I owe until the 18th. They said even though they made a mistake I still owe an extra 350.00 or something for the 18th. Can they do this? They seen to not know what customer service is and seem to not care. I told them I am only going to pay up until the 13th, and they told me they would evict me if I didn't pay the full amount for the 18th. This is one of the many reasons I am not living here next year.


    Any thoughts?

  8. So she has three competition dogs. They are always in field behind their house throwing frisbees and they catch them with high leaps and flips and shit. They run endurance tracks and all that crap as well with them. The wife owner took them somewhere the other day in the car and got out and left them in there. All three died from heat.


    Fuck this woman. Every time I read a story like this I loose faith in humanity.:mad:

  9. I was at shell a few minutes ago on the corner of bethel and sawmill, and this drunk fuck that just left Columbus gold came over to shell demanding a hot pocket. The attendant at shell explained that they do not carry hot pockets and so the drunk asks for some Doritos and then the attendant asked which flavor he would like and it all went downhill from there. The drunken idiot called the guy a retard and started making funny noises and the guy came out with a metal rod and started swinging.




    No hot pockets or Doritos were harmed in the making of this film.

  10. My bad on taking so long. Just got back in ohio. I didn't remember making this thread, 92fox told me about it the next day when i woke up at 3pm. I don't even know why i put my girlfriend cheated on me because i haven't had one for damn near 8 months.

    However, i said fuck it i should have some pictures of some bitches on my phone to post up i got this. Checked phone, i got nothin. Phone is new and i didn't realize everything is on my other goddamned droid which is not active at the moment. Good thing tho, it can still do wifi and i should have it straightened around soon. In the mean time, i also vote a ban on myself for my extreme drunkenness and current failure of a thread....... i think a 7 day vacation will do?

    Just post pictures of naked women.

  11. I hated my 20's, seemed like I was always struggling through school, shitty jobs, army stuff.. I'm more settled in and can afford some fun in my 30's now, especially being single.


    Sounds like me right now.. besides the army stuff. But I can't complain. I'm doing what I can. I have 8 more years left in my 20's. FML

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