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Habitual Sinner

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Posts posted by Habitual Sinner

  1. It has healed as much as it ever will. I was told by 3 different specialists that its not a matter of healing or getting better but a quality of life issue. I have to decide what I want to do realizing that it will cause pain. I went in last week and practically begged them to do something so it doesnt hurt if I want to play ball with the kids or go for a walk with my wife and they flat out told me theres nothing they can do. It was suggested early on that they may fuse the bones by running a screw through the bottom of my foot up through the ankle which means it will never bend again but I say fuck that. They cant figure out why my ankle is so messed up since the concrete appears to have done the majority of the damage to the foot itself.


    Prasthetic? I got a sharp saw. We came just tell the doc you got your foot stuck under a heater. ;)


    But on a serious note, I'm sorry to hear that. I couldn't begin to imagine what it would be like to not be able to do things with the son and fiance.

  2. Explain how your life, personally, is worse now than it was 2 years ago.


    Personally, my life is better now than it was two years ago. I have a job that pays more than my previous, although it took me awhile to get one. I ended up having to give up on the search and apply and just go down to the temp agency and apply there. I requested a certain location and luckily they had an opening. I started the next morning and have been there since. I'm going through the hire-on process right now. I honestly don't have anyone to blame other than myself for having such a hard time finding a job, seeing as I never finished high school or got my GED.


    My father-in-law drives a straight truck for the company I'm currently employed by, and I used to ride with him at night on his deliveries. We mainly listened to 610am and I have heard alot about Obama on the show. And about how the unemployment rate had went down significantly. But as Mandii stated, our neighbor and her brother have both been recently terminated from their unemployment. The radio show stated that the unemployment stats are false. As in, there may be less people on unemployment, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they have gotten jobs, they just don't collect the unemployment anymore.


    And, IMO, the healthcare reform is complete BS. As Tyler stated, with it being taxed, he will make just enough money per week to get back to work the next.


    My main concern, is that, at the rate things are going, by the time my son is at the age where he has to do everything on his own, IDK if this country will be a place where the average man could even really make a living and support a family.

  3. as much as i dislike obama, there are MANY places in the world (actually the majority of the world) that are way worse off than we are...we have it good here, even if there are some BS things going on


    I realize this, but we seem to be catching up quick.

  4. Foot is shot, I can do stuff with it but I ultimately have to pay the price each night. I get very little sleep anymore and even less exercise. I honestly didnt even realize you offered but I forget alot these days. I will get some pics up tomorrow after the forms are stripped.


    Sorry to hear, man.

  5. i thought that one woman that was sitting in the stands for most of the day was with us. if i had known that no one was running pics/vids. i would have gladly been the camera man for the day. thought it was covered. next time lmk and ill man the camera. would have brought my own but the battery was dead and only card i had for it was full.


    Nobody wants 217 pics of your finger. :bangbang: lol


    My card was full too, but luckily, Anthony had his comp with him and he was able to unload it for me. Then, I decided it was too hot to be out there taking pics.


    But I can always repost the ones I took on the 23rd. lol

  6. If McCain got in, it'd be the same thing. The Milk and Honey ran out long ago. Just make due with the water and corn syrup we've got.


    pussified leadership and socialist healthcare? i think not


    Honestly, I didn't vote for this election because I didn't have anyone to vote for. I can honestly say, that if Jerry Springer were to run for office, I would deffinitely vote for him.


    At the rate we're going now, if the world does end in 2012, we wouldn't be losing much as long as we live in this country, ran by the world's biggest fail.

  7. Magical Sky daddies don't grant wishes.

    Once you realize that your understand why you should take care of your neighbor because you would want the same in there position.


    So next time you bitch about healthcare put yourself in somebodies elses shoes..


    Im sorry, but I didn't understand shit you just said.

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