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Habitual Sinner

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Posts posted by Habitual Sinner

  1. transmissions I think, usual honda v6 trans from what I remember.


    The newer are far nicer, but prob out of your price range.


    Deffinitely out of my price range. lol


    And I've always loved the body style of the '02.

  2. That's it. I'm going tomorrow and buying one and drinking the whole thing. Maybe two.


    Video maybe of effect it has on me?


    Damn it to hell.


    Why do I see "log out" but for some reason, not do it and post anyway.


    That was me.


    But, yeah, whole can or two. I'll see how my heart feels after the first half though.

  3. Hmm, so about this Redline stuff.....I've never had it. What would happen if I drank 3 cans in a 5 minute span?


    I did that with Red Bull once and it didn't really do anything


    I got bet $50 once that I couldn't drink a case (12) of Red Bull one after another.


    I won the bet, drinking all 12 in a 5 min span, but that is the day the twitching began.


    Anyone who knows Big Steve can ask him. He mocked the twitch everytime he saw me with a Red Bull. (and still does)


    But I don't twitch to it anymore. At least, I don't think so. Did anyone at the track the 23rd notice me twitching? lol

  4. LOL, I'm going to see if I can get him to join the forum... One of his houses is here. Pink vette at a CR meet :lol:


    Camron? If so, please don't do that. I personally don't like him and his cousin did to a friend of mine. Why do you think he doesn't do shows here and his video shoot was un-announced?


    Did I say fuck Camron?

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