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Habitual Sinner

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Posts posted by Habitual Sinner

  1. Planned meets at my house


    Call of Duty Meet... System link 4 360's and play deathmatch for money.


    Rock Band Meet... Play songs that all you white guys love while drinking beer and eating pizza


    Kickball in my backyard.. More beer involved


    Cook out and a movie... Cook out then watch movies like 300, Gamer, and Crank


    Call of Duty rematch meet.. for those that cried about cheating as they lost during the first one


    Sex Party... We all have sex... more beer involved. My wife will not be attending but feel free to bring your girlfriends and wives.


    Naked meet... we all meet wearing clothes then take them off


    Clothed meet.. We all meet naked then put on clothes


    PG meet.. Bring your kids and keep your clothes on.


    Four Square. I love to throw my balls in your private space.



  2. Wow... I mean, I've hacked some shit together in my day and by no means am I a master fabricator but damn, why would anyone take their cars out and “show them off” looking like that?


    Because, duct tape is the best thing to ever happen to the automotive industry, other than zip-ties.

  3. I reached out to you... In return you ignore me. Is it too much to say no I dont want to be your friend? Im a person with feelings you insensitive peice of shit! I tried to accept you into my life with open arms and you just ignored me. I wrote a song about how you made me feel...


    I saw you walking by,

    You didnt stop to say hi.

    You just kept on walkin

    If theres love involved its not stalkin.

    I tried to stop you to say hey..

    But you didnt want to hear a damn thing I had to say.

    You turned your back on me,

    And now its over indefinitley.....


    I just wanted to tell a bro I love you

    Just wanted to say Im thinking of you

    Just wanted to let you know that you're in my heart

    Your in my mind, your in my soul, your my spirit dude.


    Getting dressed for work I waived again

    How could you ignore your new best friend

    I left you my number and my address

    In return you left a bro in distress

    I dont know what i need to do to win you over

    you look so peaceful sleeping under that fluffy cover

    Tomorrow I'll probably poop on your porch or kill your dog slow

    You made a huge mistake by not being my main bro


    I just wanted to tell a bro I love you

    Just wanted to say Im thinking of you

    Just wanted to let you know that you're in my heart

    Your in my mind, your in my soul, your my spirit dude.


    Where's my song brotato?

  4. The irony I find is that, fat or skinny, no Hooters waitresses have hooters.


    As Ludacris said:


    You think it's all practical jokes and big bloopers, but I smack bitches with no titties that work at Hooter's.


  5. I still think she's too small.


    Yes, being a Hooter's girl, she could use to lose some pounds to keep up the image of the business. It's no different than if she was a model. She has an appearence to keep up to.


    But, back to my personal opinion, I think she could stand to gain a few in the hips/ass area. (and some stomach too) I like thick girls, but I think I would still catch her at work for some surprise butsecks.

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