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Habitual Sinner

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Everything posted by Habitual Sinner

  1. D Pryde is the most lyrical 14 year old I've ever seen in my life. Even if he sucked, he would still be better than the bubblegum bullshit from Soulja Boy playing on the radio.
  2. I guess, judging by your posts, he expected something more like........... http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_blM38AGWqvs/RykG65qCQWI/AAAAAAAABuI/j5NibVwQR3g/s400/bodybuilder_IMG_0082.jpg
  3. That sucks. Kill the damn thing. Do it now.
  4. I have no words to describe this monstrocity.
  5. I know it's old, sorry if its a repost.
  6. I was planning on coming up to watch.
  7. In the works of being changed. As soon as I can get the extra time to hit the gym. I've been doing some things at home, but that only goes so far. lol
  8. Not my problem. If you have a hairball caught in your throat, you should probably quit what you're doing. :asshole:
  9. Where the hell did you find this shit at?
  10. THIS http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/ww221/500powered/2000_mustang_gt_007.jpg + http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/ww221/500powered/IMG_1509.jpg + http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/ww221/500powered/cfn-501_lg.jpg = WIN Too bad Tyler never finished his.
  11. I like you better when you don't post.
  12. Matt has made this thread ghey. True story.
  13. She should take notes from this kid. lol Her parents should shoot themselves.
  14. Sorry. I just watched the Paul vid.
  15. I'm the slowest person in this thread.
  16. I thought that only happened in the winter?
  17. Damn. Too bad I abandoned the Chevette when I lost the motor. I would have loved to make this.
  18. So it can catch on fire when you walk away?
  19. I'm sure someone could make that happen.
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