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Habitual Sinner

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Everything posted by Habitual Sinner

  1. Now go make your car faster. :bangbang:
  2. I don't believe you. COLUMBUS RACING SHOULD BE BETTER.
  3. Does this mean you're ready to take your #1 spot in the fastest 60 back?
  4. http://www.zappos.com/images/736/7368979/3034-583090-p.jpg /thread.
  5. Yes they did. The "faulty" gas pedal.... As Brian said, surprise roll racing.
  6. I thought that 2 1/2 honks meant go?
  7. Haha... Looks like Sam got walked too.
  9. Haha. You know I'm down for it. The same goes to the prostate tickling OP.
  10. I'm still waiting on someone else to roll their car.
  11. I thought that was you. IDK I guess you all look the same.
  12. I agree, to each their own. Hopefully, once you get more interested in the car scene, you'll either step up to better cars or mod the ones you have. Post pics anyway. Welcome
  13. Not to mention the cash you made up front for doing it.
  14. Where is Shanton when we need him? I'm sure he would go to Mexico and shut his guy up.
  15. I too have never roll raced, or drag raced. But I did once foot race a '78 F100 through a Zettler Hardware parking lot.
  16. Yeah. I hate that guy now. Never pushing your car again. EVAR!
  17. +1 We would've loved to stay longer, but it was a little too hot for the little one. Had a good time while we were there though. And I'd also like to thank Benner for bringing me those headlights. (you owe me $2.59 for the RedBull. lol) Was a nice event, thanks to all that arranged and showed up.
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