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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. Sounds like someone did not do his homework one to many times.
  2. If you live near Whitehall, you must put 24" rims or larger on the Camaro!
  3. You have some serious issues my friend. Having the courage to speak out against sin is love. They have love for the sinner otherwise they would sit back and endorse it like the rest of the Sodomite supporters in this world. Funny how you firmly believe in evolution, but yet endorse an act that is contradictory to evolution. Two sodomites will never reproduce and continue the human race. HAHAHAHAHAHA Sodomites can get married in Ohio, they just need to find someone of the opposite sex to marry.
  4. Where can I get the stream tomorrow?
  5. You were spot on! 1 hour labor. $275 with parts and an oil change.
  6. The gold standard has worked for thousands of years. The "problem" it has the Governments cannot print money at will. Gold has always been the most stable form of currency. Gold has never been worthless, but government currencys have been time after time. The federal deficit is a joke. There are not enough dollars in existence to every pay it back. The deficit serves only to enslave Americans, it was never ment to be paid back.
  7. I have no sympathy for drunk drivers. That is one of the most selfish acts anyone can do. I have not touched alcohol in over 5 years, this is just another reason I choose not to drink. Noting good comes out of being drunk. My prayers to the families.
  8. What a great round of Golf!!!! Tiger made some crazy shots yesterday, now just tied Mediate for for -1.
  9. Thanks I will just take it in somewhere in Mt. Vernon. I just don't have the time to do it myself. I figure it will take me 4-5 hours, with hand tools.
  10. Who knows the flat rate charge for replacing the CV joint on a 96 ford explorer. I did brakes and sway bar end links this weekend and have a bad boot. Thanks
  11. The family truckster. I could only imagine the looks he gets driving that beast around. The only thing missing is Aunt Edna strapped to the top.
  12. The court said he is not guilty, they know more than we do. OJ was found not guilty too.
  13. I agree some what, but more explanation of "debt" needs to be explored. Debt can be from money being borrowed from individuals or governments. The biggest creditor to the US is the Federal Reserve. The Fed reserve act of 1913 gave power to a group of banks that own the Fed to print money with no basis for the currency, then it loans that money to the US and collects interest on the money that it creates out of thin air. It does not matter if the money is printed on paper or created as digital 0's on a computer screen, the effect is the same. Did you ever notice that the crude oil is traded in Dollars? At this point Opec is beginning the process to start trading in Euros. They are smart, they see the fall of the dollar and want to get away from it.
  14. Inflation is causes by rampant printing of the dollars is a back door tax on the American people. you work harder to earn money while prices go up and the bank pay the original face value of the debts
  15. me too. pidgin (Hawaiian Slang)
  16. I agree. I graduated from a ghetto H.S. You could not hear the student names being called. If that is the first person to graduate in H.S. in your family, good for them, but don't take away the experience for the rest of the students. This just follows a general pattern of selfishness and lack of etiquette. Arresting them is over the top.
  17. Denny will buy it :grin2:
  18. Been there done that!
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