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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. Only a small part of the issue. The value of the dollar hase declined by about 50% in the last four years. This has given rise to new price levels that have been unseen before. No one is speculating at the Grocery store when you by the gallon of milk that rose about 50% in the last four years. You are buying into the governments story. They print more money, each dollar becomes worth less, therefore prices rise. ^^^^ This is where the US nearly is at this point. We produce almost nothing but we consume and spend money like drunken saliors. Then the Fed prints more and more money to loan to our Government at interest. That is a called a back door tax on you. Inflation. Now before you go and say "Our inflation has remained at 4-6% for years", it has not. The Government has manipulated the calculation for inflation several times in the past 30 years. If we used the method for calculation inflation that we used in the late 70's and early 80's our current inflation is between 11 and 13%.
  2. It wont help the gas prices. Gas high because the dollar is becoming worthless.
  3. My suburban needs A/C work. If it idles when it it warm out side it blows hot air. As soon as I get the truck moving it cools off. Any ideas. I did check to make sure the Condenser was clear of leaves.
  4. Dont you dare go low ball on the MKIV
  5. Domestics can be riced too!
  6. I agree I think a revolution may be in the future. BTW... there is a lot of truth to the photo, but you forgot AIPAC then it is a three way kiss.
  7. Man up and put the D back in.
  8. http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1130/980694850_c7f4b2df84.jpg http://alexandre.batlle.googlepages.com/obama6.JPG/obama6-full.jpg
  9. Since V8beast has not been in this thread I assume you are talking to me. I did not say we were not lied to. But the libs need to move on. Instead of complaining and rehashing the issue come up with a solution. I agree with most on here we need out of there. Leave them to their own demise. I have changed my views greatly in the past year about Iraq.
  10. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/210972299_l-1.jpg
  11. Rodgers was the old english spelling. You new Rogers got lazy and dropped the D.
  12. Kauai September 07 http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/DSCN3114.jpg The familly about 3 years ago. We have a little girl now too. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/_MG_2559_adj_blue_bkg_crp.jpg I posted this one to irritate the gun control people. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/2007-03-22-1252-38-1.jpg
  13. It was founded on Christian principles, not as a Christian nation. The reason we revolted against the British was about unfair taxation of the colonies, not religious persecution.
  14. You must have been adopted.
  15. From their website: http://www.hockinghillscanoeing.com/justforthfunofit.jpg
  16. HAOLE

    STI's Suck!

    I thought you missed the second line of the post.
  17. Pm me you number I will check the Walmart in Vernon today. If they have one I can pick it up for you.
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