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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. Nomex will be you friend!
  2. I call BS.... Was there someone buried the named Jesus, maybe. What put a capper on it for me is when it said "Jesus Son of Joseph". Jesus was not Joseph's son.
  3. This was on yahoo news this morning. I think he should have taken a firearm safety class. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080116/ap_on_fe_st/robber_shoots_self
  4. HAOLE

    Hello Recession

    I made that decision earlier last year. I don't use credit for any purchases now. If I don't have cash I don't buy. That goes for cars too.
  5. HAOLE

    Hello Recession

    No, only if you rent it is it an asset. Otherwise it is a liability. You never "own" your property, stop paying your property taxes and see if you really own your property.
  6. HAOLE

    Hello Recession

    I laugh every time someone tells me their home is an asset.
  7. City... less crazy people in the city. Here in the country people think it is cool to have truck nutz and "Cowboy Up" stickers on their truck!
  8. Sounds more like a system 32 infection to me.
  10. I think the problem you have is that you are a flaming liberal and you to ignorant to understand that. Your self proclaimed King of the interweb arguments is really impressive. I am serious, I am impressed. Now go fix my meal 1/4 pounder meal!!!! BTW... Jesus does not talk to people anymore. No need to.
  11. It could be benign or it could be serious. You need to see an M.D. to have that checked. There are a couple of dozen things it could be, no way to tell unless you go. Dont worry about that virus, it will help you lose weight quicker
  12. After my mother died my father remarried. The lady he marrired opened up credit card accounts in his name and his business name. She ran up 45k in credit cards right before the divorce without my dad knowing. She was buying stuff for her kids. Computers, clothes, jewelry etc. My dad still had to pay her 15k support. That was licking county too. My advice is to bring lots of KY and grab your ankles.
  13. Liberalism is based on feeling, not fact. You are a blatant flaming, bleeding heart , Rainbow flag carrying, Jessie Jackson Lovin, Green peace sympathizer, Moveon.org member, Liberal. 2 eggs over easy, toast , and sausage... to go please!
  14. 1911...best gun of all time. John Browning was a genius.
  15. HAOLE


    Someone has a little spare cash! I would not be surprised if the BATF pays him a visit.
  16. McCain 50 Paul 38 Thompson 37 Hunter 37 Giuliani34
  17. He has a major problem with religion in his campaign.
  18. HAOLE


    I am not a fan of .223.
  19. 870 is the way to go. I have owned one for over ten years and have never had a single problem! I would take it over a $1000 shot gun any day.
  20. You have the same rhetoric eveyday. It is so predicatable. It seems your vocabulary is restricted to: 1. "Your closed minded" 2. "You hate people" 3. "You need to control other lives" 4. "You generalize" When you come up with a new line that is not out of the moveon.org play book I will say a little more. Until then, replace the pot with LSD it will open your mind even more than it is now. BTW, I though McDonalds served more than 500 people in a day. Good for you anyhow.
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