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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. I just ot my double hip replacment last week. The prostate goes down hill after 30.j/k
  2. I understand that, I had a hard time when I graduated from Chiro school I was 25. People did not take me seriously for awhile.
  3. I am just pointing out that you are young and your views will most likely change as you age. When I was 20 I though much the same way as many on this board. Age will shape your views.
  4. Actually busy today.... I schedule people in blocks that way I have a down time for paper work or the internet. For example: 8:30 to 9:00---- 10 people 9-10----- New patients/paper work/internets 10-12---- 20 patients
  5. blah blah blah..... Did you start shaving yet?
  6. Wow. Two years in business.... I am impressed!
  7. Life experience at 20 beer... school... little responsibility. You forget I was 20 once too, I know all about it. As for you, newbs should keep their mouths shut.
  8. you are 20.... come talk to me in a few years
  9. When you grow up and start making some good money and you see it go to every Tom, Dick and Harry that has a sad story you will think differently.
  10. Because you did not say that! BTW... sounds like the she should have money for a baby sitter. Student loans work well too.
  11. I am neither of those. I tend to think hand outs are bad in the long run. We do more harm to people by giving them hand outs, than you could imagine. Policies such as these keep groups of people oppressed. They become dependent on the Government and then they fail to contribute to our society. Politicians use programs like this to gain groups of support. I will give you an example. Look at the housing projects, people continue for generations to fail in life and depend on the government and then vote for the Dems because they support policies like this.
  12. If she had 2.5 mil coming. I fail to see why we should have to pay her anything.
  13. Me to help them... not the Government. Redistribution of wealth is not biblical. Seriously... find another angle of attack.
  14. 100 years ago we had very few safety nets in the US and we were better off then as a nation. We are edging towards communism daily!
  15. Life insurance! Should have bought it. I have 1.5 million. If I die my kids and wife will be fine. Sorry to hear about hear loss, but it does not make it my problem. In other words, why should I have to payer her now?
  16. If employees paid taxes directly instead of deducted automatically. Our nation would be forced to change. The government pulls it out a little at a time so you don't notice it as much. Then they make you feel better by giving you a little back at the end. Look at total tax paid not the refund.
  17. The head of household is a deduction. A deduction is vastly different than a credit. EIC is purely a redistribution of wealth. W/C is an insurance policy that employers must buy for the workers. You are talking about apple and oranges
  18. If you are referring to those who are for the EIC I might be able to make a stretch for that idea. Unless you are talking about the social Darwinism. The Nazi movement was primarily a socialist/anti capitalist movement.
  19. I have not touched alcohol since April 2003. Never done drugs.
  20. I just don't understand why people like you think it is ok to take my money and give it to other people that don't work for it. Here is what I think we should do. I am going to stop working and I am now going to collect 10% of your paycheck. I did not work for this money but I want it. You need to start paying me for not working, otherwise my kids will not get the food and shelter they need. Sounds silly, right? That is basically what the EIC is. I feel bad for women that are single moms. At the same time they have to deal with the situation they have gotten themselves into. It was not me that got them pregnant, or left them with the kids and no support. Why should I have to pay for it? The best motivator in life is food and shelter. No money= No food. That is motivation! Giving people money they did not earn does nothing but enslave them. This is the same reason why my parents did not buy me cars and motorcycles, if I did not earn it I will not respect it. Free these people from the slavery of governmental subsidies!
  21. Did he say he works for a Chiropractor? hahaha
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