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Everything posted by lanczakb

  1. I had an 89 HOnda accord where the exhauset fell off so....i just left it off (straight out the header). It was loud as hell but I never got any beef from the cops. I ended up totalling the car 3 times, rebuilding it three times w/junk yard parts and when I finally upgraded to my Subie I sold the beast (which was 4 different colors) for $50 with 450,000miles on it. :woowoo: no exhaust = rice doesn't it? It also had a "I love my Honda" sticker on the back
  2. lanczakb


    So is anything exciting happening tonight?
  3. lanczakb

    What do you do?

    Industrial Engineer / Supervisor at UPS
  4. I'm a poor college kid so those (ghetto) $1.39 King Cobras have been a friend of mine lately. Make a cannon that shoots 40's
  5. GO here: http://www.mailboxesandstuff.com/solid_steel_novelty_vehicle_mailboxes.htm Get the TANK!
  6. Strip clubs are pretty fun. Never been to Idaho.........but it sounds interesting.. Dejavu in Toledo FTW
  7. BUMP for a Nice Place. Wish I could afford it but I'm broke at the moment.... Good luck
  8. lanczakb

    Road Rage

    How do YOU deal with road rage? I had a pretty stressful night at work and on the way home I got cut off hardcore by some a-hole in a mini-van and felt like pulling a knife out and gutting the bastard. I followed him for a good 10mins with my brights on just to be a dick. I know its stupid to want to jack someone up for getting cut off but.........after a hard day at work, and putting up with alot of bull all I want is a peaceful drive home. I want to know how you guys deal with assholes in traffic (without going to jail).
  9. I love magic shows! For her next trick she needs to make that bush dissapear :woowoo:
  10. Interested in a trade for some Pioneer 3way floor standing speakers for your Sharp VL-A110?
  11. +1 for the seatbelt law being BS :bs: :bs: :bs: Should be a persons right to allow themselves to potentially get hurt. I was in an accident a few years ago, not wearing a seatbelt, and tore the whole side of my face off going through the other ladies windshield. I'm sure a seatbelt would have saved me a little stitching and facial re-construction but......I paid for it anyway. I didn't need a ticket to remind me that I probabbly should have been wearing my seatbelt. And the sheriff had the nerve to come to the hospital and throw me the seatbelt ticket while i was laying on the table getting glass picked out of my forehead
  12. A month or two ago they had a 03 red SRT4 at K&M Motor Sales off Roberts Rd. It looked pretty clean but I don't know about miles. They were askin like $10,500?? I havent been down that Roberts in a while so I don't know if they still have it........
  13. This might be my favorite thread yet. It reminds me of my cat who had A.D.D.. Poor things leg fell off and it died. . Sorry but i don't have any answers to anything. 1. I don't know anything about XBOX 2. I own a blacklight........but not any paint 3. I don't know anyone who paints anything up here. +1 for the Beer idea though. If i find a paintbrush and theres a case of brew involved i'm sure I can wing something for ya. 4. Dumptrucks are evil. However every now and then you can see some with the smiley face on the back, keepin it real 5. iPods are pretty cool, Apple is pretty cool, I don't know much about either however.
  14. I drove about 2 hours to get my Subie. Took the wife with me and made her drive the old beat down honda back *Here is an idea: Save a few dollars, grab the wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend/friend/whoever and turn it into a road trip. You could take your time and kind of have a mini vacation. Grab a hotel, hit up some nice bars or clubs, and just enjoy the adventure. On another note whenever you buy used you never REALLY know what your getting and it never hurts to have someone follow you home JUST IN CASE something goes down. Just my $0.02
  15. He should have cut a little deeper.......
  16. There is a cheap liquor called Southern Comfort that you can pickup at Meijers or just about anywhere. It tastes HORRIBLE but will give you a warm, fuzzy, go to bed and sleep good feeling. Nyquil works good for me too...but i may just have an alcohol dependancy..
  17. That was the worst thing I've seen in a long time! I'm embarrased to say I live in franklin county after seeing that quality video. Hopefully when he's SO busy sleeping he'll choke, die, and save us the tourture of any future releases...
  18. There's a sign off rome Hilliard at some mexican restraunt that says "Try our Dirty Sanchez". I'll see if I can get a pic
  19. I think its a bunch of crap that they hassle you for exhaust when there are so many Harleys running around that scream down the road. I had a POS honda with absolutly no exhaust that I drove down here for a year and I only got beef once in Upper Arlington (warning). They were in fact probabbly just "Tryin to catch ya ridin dirty".
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