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Everything posted by STEVE-O

  1. STEVE-O

    Making a mold

    Does anyone on here work for a company or has the knowledge to be able to help me create a mold? It's of a piece about one square foot. If so please pm me and we can talk more in detail
  2. These are custom painted 12" figures. ( Other figures can be available if you want a different player) These are the two currently available. Cr intro price is $175 Fist up is Eddie George 12" Custom http://i44.tinypic.com/acv05f.jpg http://i44.tinypic.com/2ljhmd5.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/2m7j9dt.jpg Next one is for any Michigan fans we may have to show there is no hate Desmond Howard, this one is signed by him and can provide pictures of him actually seeing the figure and signing it. Price for this one is $225 http://i41.tinypic.com/14m47b5.jpg http://i44.tinypic.com/2a6win4.jpg
  3. Also if you have anything try getting ahold of Columbus micro systems they do scrap computers and such as well from 1 to thousands no matter what you may have.
  4. Yes no name number your direct email wtf and they are not the ones in need its their associate
  5. This sucked dick not worth 3 bucks if everything else was free. And nope still a shit ton of 14 year old wangster ass kids walking around.
  6. Take this advise if you find that it is near your price because it won't change, they don't get paid any more or less if you pay more or less. Same price and they make the same flat rate no matter what car or price you pay.
  7. Ivrings ( trey) works for mag
  8. Bring cash aim for 2 I would not spend more than 3 ws6 or not. Drop a truck motor in it best bang for the buck and done
  9. Anytime we use them All the time and never have a problem
  10. Ya that is how it happened, again you and the other million people were there. And I bet you expect the same system that gave a non guilty verdict will charge him with something else. That is borderline insanity. Verdict reached case closed go home
  11. Might be a dumb question but do these or any size trailer have a title?
  12. Quoted so you won't forget it. If this case was in Texas z would have never had a trial in the first place. Many are also forgetting it had to be proven beyond reasonable doubt, and so far everyone has agreed in this entire topic there was some form of doubt.
  13. Bet it was the one I passed on Brice today lime green with green and chrome wheels. Drove like a ass in a 35mph zone. Guessing he had to get his chipotle on
  14. Iirc lowes will price match hhgreg also
  15. Metal trash can could just steal one for free from the homeless
  16. http://columbus.craigslist.org/hsh/3915574204.html
  17. 2005 Passat tdi 2.0l TDI (diesel) engine, trans is a zf 5hp-19fl, GMR, 01v Now my issue is from the dealer pictures of the trans it is not clear. This is the picture and parts listed from the dealer http://www.jimellisvwparts.com/showAssembly.aspx?ukey_assembly=740165&ukey_make=1066&ukey_model=15565&modelYear=2005&ukey_trimLevel=18930&searchString=transmission When you look at the transmission valvebody their are a total of 6 individual solenoids where as it would appear in the picture from the dealer there are only 2 ( numbers 13&14) Here is what the trans looks like in person http://www.google.com/search?q=2005+passat+tdi+transmission+valve+body&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48705608,d.dmg&biw=1920&bih=883&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=WO7VUZjJOJXe4AOztoG4BQ#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=GgQ80dMQJ-fTIM%3A%3BdLTJ1JLkWeJ3ZM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fi225.photobucket.com%252Falbums%252Fdd197%252Fpsst1997%252F04%252520Passat%252FIMG-20121208-00839.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.louisvillevw.org%252Fforums%252Fshowthread.php%253F50600-B5.5-TDI-Passat%3B768%3B1024 So my question is does anyone who works for vw have any insight maybe to this problem? Or does anyone by chance have a trans laying around that would work? ( possibly able to use a fwd audi or jetta trans not 100 percent sure can not find enough info atm) I am leaning twords replacing the entire valve body as they come with all the solenoids already.
  18. STEVE-O

    Ticket help

    Did you ask the officer who wrote the ticket what you can do to make it " legal" for him? This is what I would have done and tried to avoid the ticket. If nothing was said I would take a picture and hope the judge is cool because you could have always moved the tag later after the ticket and then take a picture.
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