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Everything posted by STEVE-O

  1. STEVE-O

    True Blood

    you mean sookie? she is smokin though.
  2. STEVE-O

    True Blood

    its addicting. i missed out on the first ones and watched all 1-5 in one sitting
  3. STEVE-O

    True Blood

    wow yes i love that show. we all get togehter and watch it. its been over for a while now. its a good show. cant wait til next season. there were so very odd turning points twords the end with bill and sam. but man sookie sookie lol
  4. i would be willing to trade mine plus something better
  5. i replaced the cover only took about a half hour or so. the motor works fine otherwise it would not move them at all. and now they will stay down if i put them down i think ant is right it is a problem in the steering column i am going to tear into that this weekend and see what i can find.
  6. ok so i replaced it and now they will stay down if i put them down but they still stop on the windsheild after i turn them on?
  7. shanton is right Otherwise you could not have, say more tha one or two drinks at a bar because for some smaller people like young girls etc. they cant handle anymore without being imaprred. SO should there be a limit of 2 drinks at a bar for everyone? no And I have a family member who went through something and if you drink at a bar at all and wreck they dont care of the amount they just see you ahd alchohol in your system and thats enough to chage you even more.
  8. got ya I am takleing it tom. any idea on how long it takes?
  9. That sucks. It is not his falt someone else lost control
  10. o well now I know that for next time lol o well early christmas gift. I sent ant a pm do you ahve a pic of where this is located. I cant seem to find a good diagram of it I can only find the motor. or even a pic of a engine bay with a arrow to it or something. I lokoed briefly but did not see exactly where it was
  11. raven riley http://img374.imageshack.us/img374/1118/049xxuc7.jpg http://img374.imageshack.us/img374/049xxuc7.jpg/1/w491.png
  12. they said 125 and they have to oder it. I took the hit and made sure I got a new one mcdorman had it for 130 and got it today.
  13. STEVE-O

    1993 Cougar FS

    600 down then 500 or more each month til paid off
  14. STEVE-O

    1993 Cougar FS

    would you be willing to take payments with 600down?
  15. Looking for anything reall, must run and have no major problems. other than that nothing specific. just under 1g.
  16. im pretty sure i said while i upgrade to those. meaning along with. also. in addition to.
  17. thanks i think i am going to have my old boss do it while i upgrade to drilled and slotted brakes. hopefully that is the problem. and it will be cheaper cause i can get the store discount from napa
  18. well great lol it looks like i might not be doing this as soon as i thought
  19. sweet thanks guys i will go out and get that part and put it in and hopefully problem solved.
  20. I am pretty sure but I want to double check on this one My windshield wipers keep staying up on the windshield and will not go down when you turn them off. I am pretty sure it is the wiper motor but I want to double check before I replace it. does anyone have any ideas? or am I right? thanks
  21. p4 2.0 512mb ram 40 gig hdd i can get a monitor for it to if neeeded all for 250 loaded with xp
  22. i wish they would fix some of the lights that are not timed right. I know on noe bixby the light right by sedalia food center has got to be the worst I have ever seen. its a 35 zone and that light changes from yellow to red in like 1 second. I ave gone trough it so many times on the way to school last year. at some points there is no way you can make it but you can not stop in time without really slowing down and hope to not get rear ended.
  23. still think it does not meet the specs for the price. I am glad they did SOME styling on the rear end. the old rear i think was horrible
  24. agreed. until now what they did was no problem. And if what you guys say is true about toyota and their profit and how gm appels to people who can not afford their cars I always think about this Do you think the people who are buying new z06 zr1 hummers m3's and most bmw and benz care about the price all to much? No they know what it costs and they will pay it because they have the money. BMW for the most part does not even try to get the average person to buy their cars because that is not their market. GM builds these cars not to sell millions of them but to show they CAN build the cars, the best car( from a driving performance stand-point). Toyota dropped the supra because it was not what toyota was going tword. They are not a high performance marketbase. Like you said they wanted to appel to everyone and those who could actually afford just about any of thier cars. So if you look at it this way is there really a reason to down talk gm for having appealing cars people can not afford? There are many cars the appeal to me that I can not afford so should I downtalk those people? GM does need to decide what to do or it is going to be nothing but bad I do agree. Toyota realised what was important and went that direction.
  25. Dont know if anyone has seen this but at 4:15 you can see the corsa system in action http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QdE5j_fhcw
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