So I Was driving home from work a little while ago and ran up on 3 doe. Saw them and slowed down since they were close to the road. Get up to speed about an 1/8 mile past and a buck (8pt. 18in spread) jumps up onto the road from the ditch, right in front of me. I barely got my foot on top of the brake when I slammed into him. Couldn't have hit him any more square. Broad side dead center. Needless to say I need a little more than my transmission rebuilt at this point. FML! I know for sure I messed up the: driver fender, hood, grill, all 3 sets of driver side lights, bumper, core support, ac condensor and I believe radiator. Any suggestions on shops? Any one have any oppinions on 3C as I have no clue as to where to go? Nationwide is the insurance provider.