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Posts posted by hot_wire

  1. To the speed limit comments, I definitely understand. I am a calm driver on freeways (cruise at 70 and generally careful within cities). However, I do alot of driving through the countryside and have been caught twice entering small municipalities where the speedlimit drops from 55 to 35 and I'm still at 60. Both times have been radar.


    Thanks for the mounting location suggestions. Ideally, there would be no valentine box on my windshield; however, I have yet to see an example where the detector was taken apart. About to check out Ohio Subarus...

  2. Just picked up another speeding ticket. It's time to get a radar detector. However, I'm all about having a clean dash/windshield and I really don't want to have that V1 cord dangling down into my cigarette lighter all day.


    I have seen that Valentine One offers an external display; however, it appears that the physical detector still needs to be affixed to the windshield. Has anybody attempted to disassemble their V1 and run an extension wire from the main unit to the radar sensor?

    Ideally, the main unit (circuits and crap) would be hidden within the dash. I would plant the frontfacing sensors in one of my sunvisors, and the rear facing sensor somewhere in the rear window. I've seen installs where the display screen is one of the external ones and planted within the rear view mirror with 2way glass. Awesome. Totally stock looking when off.


    Have any of you tried this//taken apart a radar detector? Do I need to worry about any advanced physics crap like wavelengths and sensor distances and whatever else?

  3. Oil isn't usually marked up much at all anyway. Discount+oil=$.02


    I don't know... Walmart carries my Mobil1 for about $21 while autozone has it for ~ $30. Depends on where you shop, but markup definitely exists. Not to mention that my mom went to the dealer for her oil change and walked out with a bill for $60....

  4. Hopefully someone can help. Even with generic knowledge. I realize that SAAB's aren't the most common


    I have been noticing uneven wear on my rear brakes pads, so I decided to replace the rotors and pads this weekend. Things went great for the first half. My dreaded index screws popped out and the old rotors came off without too much of a beating.


    I cleaned up my old calipers with a wire brush & brakecleaner and began to reassemble everything. First sign of trouble was when I attempted to install the new rotors. They wouldn't even fit over the hub because my emergency brake had self adjusted to my old worn rotors. After bringing the emergency brake back into compliance, I slipped the new rotors on. I tend to test everything as I go, so I gave both rotors a spin. One side spun freely, the other side had two sticking points on it as it spun. I don't mean a permanent stick, but definitely enough to feel by hand. Because of this, I backed the handbrake off even further.


    Then I reinstalled the calipers with new pads. The side that had been fine before now seemed to get stuck at one location as I rotated it. When looking at the brake, I could actually see the rotor/pad clearance change as I spun the rotor. Keep in mind that these are brand new Brembo rotors and EBC greenstuff pads. Surely quality products like these could not be warped from the factory?!


    Anyway, I threw my wheels on to see if the added lugs would better secure the rotor and assuage my fears. A trip around the block made me unhappy. The brakes chirp-chirp-chirp-chirp as I drive and the rate speeds up and slows down with my speed.


    Now what? Will this go away as the brakes wear in? Brake work has always gone smoothly for me, but this is the first attempt alone in my driveway. Any help is greatly appreciated

  5. I always wreck wallets. Just picked up a lacoste moneyclip for daily pocket use (ID, credit card and cash). Keeping my old fat leather wallet in the car to hold my AAA, giftcards, receipts, insurance etc.
  6. The little push thing in the middle is constantly trying to find where "resting" is. If it experiences an even pressure over like 10 seconds, it will readjust. When the pressure is removed, its true resting position will be different than its adjusted resting position. That's what causes the pointer to creep for a little while before adjusting back.
  7. Tomorrow I'm making a big move and buying a MacMini off of craigslist. I'm going to use it as the centerpiece of my home theater and hook it to the lcd tv via HDMI and to the receiver by toslink. I think a dedicated computer has a bunch of benefits that a simple bridge would not.


    My roommates and I are planning to control it solely via our wireless network and remotedesktop. This will allow us play full quality music with no lag/ share our external harddrives/use it as a print server/watch saved movies/stream internet content & tv shows. I'm also going to try to get it setup to automatically backup my laptop's files every few days.


    Thanks for the solid advice! I feel like if I am already committing to spending a hundred on a wireless setup, might as well spend double and get my entire home theater organized haha

  8. Only thing i'd be worried about is if your Going from laptop ---> wireless whatever ---> speakers, while going from laptop to wireless wirelessly, then whatever to the speakers with the fiberoptic, wouldn't you only get the sound clarity thats as good as the wireless part?


    Truth. I don't know much about this, but I thought that the wireless part would be a pure digital transmission at whatever bitrate the songs are saved at. Am I assuming too much?

  9. Not sure if you can (Some pc's have them some dont) but you could get a FiberOptic Sound cord (Light through sound) and then run it that way. Thats how i have my xbox hooked up to my surround sound. Clearest type of audio ive ever heard.


    That's exactly what I want.... Except I dont want my laptop tethered to the receiver.

  10. Got an iPhone or iPod touch?


    1. Download Orb App

    2. Install Orb Server on your computer.

    3. ???

    4. Profit


    Now it won't do toslink, obviously, but it works amazing.


    Thought about this, but I like surfing the web on my computer while playing music across the room.


    I also just upgraded my stereo and would like an upgraded connection. Keep the ideas comin though

  11. All of my music is on my computer. My stereo system is across the room. I'm tired of using my 3.5mm to RCA cable and I want to achieve two goals:


    1) Wirelessly steam music from my computer's iTunes library (and possibly pandora, youtube, etc) to my stereo.


    2) Improve sound quality (hopefully 192kbps and 5.1 audio) by using a fiberoptic or other quality connection from whatever wireless receiver to my home theater system.


    I've considered an Apple Airport Extreme/Express because it has the fiberoptic toslink connection. I'm not sure if it can stream anything other than itunes though. I've also thought about an ad2p bluetooth receiver plugged in next to my stereo. Not sure about the audio quality there.


    Also, it would be extra nice if my roommates could connect their laptops (mostly Macbooks) to the stereo as well during houseparties. What do you guys use?

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