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Everything posted by kizzzzle

  1. my buddy might be interested in this...
  2. nice pics. I was there, I was on the front straight away looking at the pics.
  3. Dance Cook is funny, but his new standup sucked I thought. "Isolated Incident" I believe it was called, dudes.
  4. I likey . Why 2 threads though?
  5. BRING THE PAIN. http://cr-luder.mybrute.com
  6. Haha I watched the whole thing. DRIFTING RULESSSSS
  7. kizzzzle


  8. Haha alright thanks guys I just needed someone to tell me it was a bad idea. I guess I'll just be patient and wait for a bigger fish.... ...so to speak.
  9. I put my car up for sale on craigslist the other day and a woman offered me her 04' GMC Envoy XUV (Black) with 110k. My car is an 01' with 60k. The woman wanted to straight trade vehicles and I said no just because she had "a lot" of miles compared to my car. I really have no use for a huge SUV with terrible gas mileage but I am going to be moving soon which it obviously would help with. My plan would be to just drive it for like 6 months then sell or trade it in. My question is, A) Do you think it would be a worth investment if I could get a trade plus cash deal? and B) how much should I ask?
  10. can the wall mounts osscilate?
  11. kizzzzle

    Paintball ?

    I'm down, I need to clean my sh*t though.
  12. Should I say I am with Team Output or Phil?
  13. Got together with BlueBoostedGS and Twentyfour204 the other day and took some pics. Results: Waiting for Casey (BlueBoostedGS) getting some sun... http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v3344/43/125/724040146/n724040146_6779488_3694972.jpg http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v3344/43/125/724040146/n724040146_6779489_7701702.jpg http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v3344/43/125/724040146/n724040146_6779491_1154095.jpg http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v3344/43/125/724040146/n724040146_6779494_5808854.jpg http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v3344/43/125/724040146/n724040146_6779495_7893393.jpg
  14. I drift in my 4 door fwd ecnonobox all the time. With much the same results.
  15. I liked it original and catchy
  16. I'm down if we can get sumtin goin.
  17. down. can these 2 threads be comined or sumtin?
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