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Everything posted by 2pointslow

  1. The game hasn't even started and i already won. Just look fill up on facebook. :fuckyeah:
  2. Yeah, i found that out last night. It was a nice perk while it lasted. How did it get abused?
  3. I would go with FIC, a lot of people run reflowed injectors through FIC. I would also go with the larger of the two. You can always dial it back, if you run out of fuel with a 37 you will need to go with a bigger injector for any future upgrades. Then of course the 42's will have a limit as well. Then you have to think about the pump and other supporting fuel mods as well. I am un educated with the LS motors. So im not sure what the factory fuel system is capable of.
  4. Let me know, i have been looking into options for my 1911.
  5. The wifes car has been having some issues. I narrowed it down to the battery or the alternator and possibly a bad belt/ tensioner pulley. Took it over to O'reillys where Chase took great care of us. He tested the battery, got shocked a few times. Performed a load test on the alternator. We determined it was the battery. Cashed out i told him i could take it home and put it in. He insisted on doing the install himself in the parking lot. I still think there is a bad pulley however the belt looks fine. I always shop at O'reilly and will not go anywhere else for my car parts needs.
  6. It looks alot like a RIA, most likely very heavy.
  7. That slow mustang makes alot more power than you do. :dumb:
  8. I have been looking alot into 3in 1911's and was wondering if anyone has any experience with the spartan 3.0?
  9. Bout tree-fiddy on dat giggle wit da 28's in da rear.
  10. You must have missed the part where i said they didnt recommend having amethysts in that setting. It wasn't really an option to replace the stones. If you want to be a dick you can walk your happy ass right out of this thread.
  11. The issue is we shouldnt have to wait. They should have called me when it broke, they shouldnt have lied to me about the situation. Trust me when i say i've spent enough money there to be impatient. I told the lady that i have been working with for 8 years that if she ever leaves to get ahold of me. However i cant spend another dime in a jared the rest of my life.
  12. It was going to cause a TON of hassel. Like us waiting 6 weeks for new stones to come in since they somehow cracked and or chipped everyone of them and not a gaurantee that they would color match. We had to have 3 sets of stones sent in when we built the ring.
  13. Edit: Customer care said they have done all they will do and that we are blowing this out of proportion.. We ended up trading the ring in because they said "we dont recommend having an amethyst as a gem you wear daily". Then why the fuck did you custom make this for me you ass hat? So now they have profited another $100.00 off of me because she had to find another ring she liked. Yet they are not willing to cover the difference. Were not talking about just some ring. Now my wife doesnt have the ring she was married with. After this is all said and done i will never take my business back to jared. I would suggest you never step foot in a jared as well. If they are willing to turn their back on an 8 year long loyal relationship then imagine how they treat one time customers.
  14. The yelling was over with last night, i will say the wife lost her mind last night by the way they treated us. Now its a lets sit back and see what they do to fix the issue. We have an idea of what they are going to do, if it works out we will stay.
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