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Everything posted by 2pointslow

  1. Im trying to get the in class set up here at work. Im waiting on confirmation as we were just bought out by a different company. I should have an answer here soon.
  2. Butt hurt is everywhere. Oh and i would just like everyone to know i didn't gouge any CR members, i sold my AR parts at pre hysteria pricing.
  3. I have heard nothing but positive feedback about the gun. Im sure a few people here can chime in about them. The xd/xdm is a great line up as well.
  4. Have you ever tried metoblic typing? I would assuming you are a fast oxidizer, i would suggest using a minimal amount of carbs as glucose is a major factor in brain function but if you see no negative side effects then great. What everyone needs to know is diet is trial and error. It takes time and effort to figure out what your body needs and wants. Going off what little i have seen here what is your primary goal?
  5. What are your goals and what is your current body composition?
  6. Why on earth would you want to be in a ketonic state other than for a BB comp?
  7. What kind of food prep are you looking for? Quick and easy?
  8. 1200-1500 is about right for an average male. Majority of that should be consumed by 6pm and 40-50% of it should be protein. Fill your dinner with green leafy veggies and a small portion of berries for your carbs. This alone will help you see weight loss. Anything consumed after 6pm should be broccoli or green veggies as they offer minimal calories and alot of fiber.
  9. Do you want X amount of weight loss? or Do you want X+X amount of weightloss? This is the problem i see with america. Everyone wants to workout and see progress. It CAN happen, however it will ONLY happen for a short while. Once those noob lbs are lost ( water) it will become increasingly difficult to lose weight while maintaining a horrible diet. It is far easier to lose weight with just diet than it is to lose weight doing just workouts while maintaining your normal food intake. If you try to take this approach you will likely fail, there is no such thing as compromising. You either do it right or you will likely fail along the way. I see it everyday, clients want to lose weight but have no interest in taking care of their diet.
  10. I'm going to be real.. troll cape off. Paleo is a good foundation... i say foundation because it allows you to create healthy habits. Fruit on the other hand is not good for body composition it is good for normal healthy living. There are certain fruits/veggies to stay away from. I believe paleo does a great job of steering people to what is good/not good. Just dont go eating a pound of bacon.
  11. Picked up alot of 9mm ammo, pretty decent deal at $24/100rd box.
  12. Never trust someone with an AOL email. Ramsey, any updates?
  13. Ill shop at cabelas... gander can go fly a kite.
  14. inb4 black rambo kills many money hungry civilians.
  15. bleh... ill stick to my bourbon.
  16. Quoted because this needs to be read a few times.
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