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Posts posted by 2pointslow

  1. right.. all women are crazy and all men are ______ fill in the blank


    how many threads are we going to have like this.



    and yes, be happy you found out before you said "i do"



    Welcome to CR, a site dominated by men. We are in the kitchen, which is where a woman should be. Therefore we are going to talk shit about women in the kitchen. :p

  2. I had a good friend (whos actually also a BB) who just recently split with his wife. All and all he had over 9 years with her (2 married). She ended up always wanting to go to clubs and eventually found some low-life 30 year old weed dealer living with his mom to fuck. Yeah he didnt see it coming but now they're going through a rough divorce. At least it ended now when your young and can move on with life.



    Damn that shit sounds just like what im dealing with. My best wishes to your friend, shit is fucked up!

  3. You do realize (don't' make me dig up the old posts) what you used to sound like right?


    "Hay guise, don't judge me. I'm getting married in a few months and we're going to be married forever and everything is as good as it gets. I am soo omghi2u happy oh golly geez."


    "Hay guise, its my decicision and we know its the absolute right thing to do we are soo golly geez awesome happies and will be married foreverz"






    I know, but i had no idea she was going to get back into that shit.I would have been happy with her the rest of my life. But i cannot bring kids into this world with someone who could possibly be doing drugs the rest of their life.

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  4. I have to ask... You just broke up (at least somewhat recently Im guessing, right?) so why is meeting a slut a bad thing again? Im just assuming you dont want to jump into another relationship correct?


    I have the same problem. I meet them, they're cool for a minute then i find out something crazy, like she's married and has another bf plus shes fucking me all at the same time ... wtf? The latest one, this is good, is not only on parol but has another warrant out for her arrest. But DAMN is she fucking hot!



    Like i said it isnt, but sometimes i like to just sit down and watch a movie without someone all over my dick. Maybe that makes me GAY to most of you but, sometimes i just enjoy a womans company.



    Damn you got me beat. I just found out that two of the girls have BF`s. One is talking shit, im just like dude. Shut your fucking mouth i had no idea. Talk to your slut of a girlfriend.I cant help that she came looking for my dick.

  5. i'm hopefully getting my winter shoes on tonight.


    from 18" to 15" rims... i can't wait.


    not to mention i need new rubber on my summer shoes.



    Amen on that one, i am driving around with pretty much no tread.

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