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Posts posted by 2pointslow

  1. ill try that.. i was taking about 12g creatine a day.. 6 when i wake up and 6 post workout.


    maybe ill hit the creatine again, just 6g pre workout, and then my protein shake post workout.



    i should probably change my diet around a tad as well.

    its super super lean. mainly chicken with red meat 1 day a week.



    5g daily is all you need 30 min pre work out.


    BEEF is where it is at, I eat 2lbs of beef a day.

  2. both..

    i have a pretty clean diet, and i intake about 180 grams a protein a day.

    right now im using just some protein, glutamine, and take omega 3 pills.


    i used some creatine, and i like the recovery it gives you, but hate the water retention.. so i was kind of cycling it every 3rd week i would use it.


    but now i backed completely off it.


    i probably dont intake as many calories as i should, for i probably burn more than i eat in a day, which is working against me building mass. but im still trying to lean out the bottom section of my abs.


    i work out about 4 times a week, and only do cardio once a week, so not to burn off any muscle.


    Unless you are a genetic freak, gaining size and keeping your "6 pack" is impossible. Forget about the abs, and focus on the size. You can cut up once you have reached your goal.


    Start increasing your cals by 500 every 2 days. Go untill you start seeing fat build up and then decrease by 500 that should be where you want to stay. I promise you that you will see a significant diff in your mass. Dont be afraid to gain a little fat.


    Creatine will bloat you a little how much are you taking? If you loaded it then yes it will bloat you. Loading phases are just so the company can make more money. Your body can only hold so much creatine at a time, the rest is just pissed out.

  3. both..

    i have a pretty clean diet, and i intake about 180 grams a protein a day.

    right now im using just some protein, glutamine, and take omega 3 pills.


    i used some creatine, and i like the recovery it gives you, but hate the water retention.. so i was kind of cycling it every 3rd week i would use it.


    but now i backed completely off it.


    i probably dont intake as many calories as i should, for i probably burn more than i eat in a day, which is working against me building mass. but im still trying to lean out the bottom section of my abs.


    i work out about 4 times a week, and only do cardio once a week, so not to burn off any muscle.



    Where do you work out at?

  4. You a little to hyped to think clearly, but I will give you Beverly.


    I was more speaking on their Proteins. BSN is silky smooth, and some on the biggest and leanest Motherfuckers I worked with only use it. They're fucked on Ethyl Ester, but shit happens.


    syntha-6 is good....other than that i cant stand BSN.


    The other companies imo are the best there is out there.

  5. He is correct.


    I managed a GNC, am a personal trainer-and I more or less have a pretty good grasp on what works, and what doesn't. The most fit people that walked in y store-5-8% bodyfat, great muscle mass, just stuck with their protein, and tried something every now and again. The guys that were stacking No2+a CRE product+Beta+Test+++ usually had unimpressive physiques, and were likely trying to hard to substitute hard work for suplimentation.



    Cliffs of my knowledge-Take in at least 1g of protein per lbs body weight. Once a week-surge that to 1.5g, and double your calorie count. That surge crates a ridiculous anabolic effect that will up GH and Test levels naturally.


    As far as supliments go- the best all around company in stores today as far as product quality and performance goes, is Gaspari. BSN is a fairly close second.



    BSN sucks and are a bunch of liars. They are currently being sued.


    Gaspari is ok that is about the best peice of advice you have given.




    Ok now for the best companies out there




    primidol performance


    prolab ( creatine)



    Oh and of course europe for the other SUBSTANCES of which you might want.


    If you want any real adivce PM me.

  6. The people who benefit the most from supplements are those who sell them.


    Stick with a Zone or Paleo for your diet, and compound lifts/high intensity/crossfit style at the gym.





    No one diet works for everyone.


    You first need to asess your goals, find out your caloric exp. Then you need to find out RMR is.


    Most people need 1500 cals a day to just veg. Add in your daily activities and it goes up.


    I am eating around 6500 cals a day. 400-450 protein 5-600g of carbs 140-160g of fat

  7. CE2=crap

    N02= crap



    pure monohydrate


    Size-On and superpump250

    green mag + white flood



    If money is an issue just use prolabs creapure, cytogainer and beta-alanine.


    I will never use anything else than cytogainer and mono.

  8. just curious by your sn did you use to have nitrous on it?



    no, i was building a wet system for it and my dad ( was in his name) said it wasnt happening.


    First post is edited with my number.


    seeing is how my fiencee decided to loose the USB to our camera. I will have to take crappy cell phone pics.


    i cant post pics for some reason

  9. I am putting a down payment on my fit this week and it will be here by may.


    Miles- 93,XXX


    Parts that come with the car........

    front and rear eibach sway bars

    eibach pro-kit

    cfm short throw shifter

    thermal R&D exhaust

    focus-sport 4-1 header

    aem CAI

    Ported TB

    Ported intake mani

    Brand new tires


    The good

    I have never had anything go majorly wrong with the car. Your normal wear and tear is about the extent.


    The bad

    Poor gas mileage 18-23 depending on the day

    The hood and roof have been painted but the rest of the body will need it in a couple of years.

    couple dents


    I will get pics up soon.


    KBB price is 3,300


    I want 2000.00 FIRM


    You can get ahold of my at 614-746-2355

  10. The hilarity is that a year ago he had 100 stangers try and be nice and warm him of the impending doom. He called everyone who suggest such things douchebags who do not know him or his life and to stay out of it.


    Now that the magically fortold situation has arisen, everyone is still douchebags!



    How about this, if it ends it wont be because of me. So telling me that im 20 and im not ready to be married is BS.

  11. What, just because they said something you didn't want to hear?


    What I can't believe is that this made it to page two, and no one said that she's found someone else. Good luck man, I'm glad its you and not me.


    I know she hasnt found someone else, and if she has he can have her.


    Her freinds and family have told her to not let me go because she will prob never find someone like me. ( not trying to sound errogant)

  12. I agree. 20 is pretty dang young to be considering marraige. Some may disagree, but my wife and I began dating at age 19. It was off and on for several years. I tapped about all the women I could until we finally moved in together and settled down. We married three years later.


    After that we each began making really good bucks, traveled, bought nice stuff, traveled some more and then popped out two kids. Looking back, we are glad we waited and took things slow.


    My advice, definitely do what you can to stay together, enjoy each other, etc. But realize you're a young pup with years ahead of you. It will go fast, so don't rush things. Trust me, you'll make it through this and in the end, will be fine. Just keep your head on straight and a hat on your other head.



    I think when she gets home i am going to sit her down and talk about it. I really dont want to just give up. Its not in me and its not my nature. I think im going to see if she wants to post pone the wedding, move back in with the rents and go form there.

  13. So you don't think people change at all from when they're 17 to late 20's and older? I honestly think it should be against the law to get married by age 35.



    Why, one carries more baggage with them then! I personally could not sleep next to someone who has had sex with more guys than i have fingers!


    What about grand kids? If you get married at 35 you will not be able to have fun with your grand kids.

  14. It's not just about drinking and clubbing. I would have never gotten married that early because I wanted to focus on my education and career first. I just got married at 30 this past February. So far I feel that I've made the right choice. I can offer my wife so much more than I could have 10 years ago.


    I'm with you, no drinking, no smoking, no clubbing. But just because of that, don't go off getting married.



    I know, and thats good. I just see it as if im happy with the one im with then no amount of money can replace that feeling to me. Maybe i am just diff. than most people. Maybe she has decided that thats what she wants now!

  15. this just happened to me too man. been together for 3yrs, engaged, even had a kid. just watch the little things that start happening. if shes starts hiding stuff, dont look past it because u love her. thats what happened to me. and u know what happened, she started talking to another guy and moved to nc and took our daughter. just watch the little things and try to make sure shes happy. if the worst happens. ull get through it. this happened to me this saturday. its will be hard but spend all u time doing things so u dont think about her and let it bother u. eaither way good luck man.



    I feel for you bud, we dont have a kid but we just bought a dog which kind of feels like a kid.


    It seems like this is happening alot, it also seems like its because of the women. Why are women crazy? Now i see why most guys are single forever!

  16. I'm no psychologist, but I think we found the problem. Of course she's unwary, she has plans to get married before she can experience going out to clubs with friends, maybe picking up random guys (just the possibility, not actually wanting to do that), going out, growing up a little, etc. If you two get married at age 20 there's a sky-high chance you'll be divorced by 30 anyways. I'm 29 and can barely fathom being locked in with someone.


    You two should take a break, live life while you're still young. In 9 years you'll look back and be thankful.



    Not everyone is into that stuff. Me being one of them and i know she isnt into that stuff either. Atleast the girl i proposed to wasnt. I can honestly say i have never drank and dont plan on it. Please, because of my age do not put me into that category.

  17. "I never post about my personal life but..."

    These always start off that way. ;)

    And now since you have...

    I would talk to her about putting off the wedding for awhile. Who cares if you have to change plans, inform family, etc. What matters is this decision, one of the biggest decisions you will ever make in your life. You should question her more deeply, though. Maybe she can't actually admit to wanting to end it all together? Bring up putting off the wedding, but ask her if it's even worth prolonging the situation. No, it won't be easy. Yes, it will suck fuckin royally, but it will be worth it in the end. Too many people get married for the wrong reasons or have second thoughts and don't voice or act on them. Look how many marriages end in divorce? Marriage is not always easy and you don't need to bring problems and doubt into one.


    This is very hard to comment on online. Especially, since I don't like to type and try to shorten everything. I'm not doing shit, so if you wanna come by and shoot the shit, play some games, talk about it with someone who's experienced or whatever, let me know. I'll shoot you a pm. Just know that a hug may not be included. :D





    I appreciate the offer, and i might take you up on it pending the outcome. Im just waiting on her to come home form her parents. I think the big issue is her parents do not want to see her make a mistake. Her parents love me like their own son.


    Beleive me i do not want her to go through life misserable because she married someone who she does not love anymore. Even though it will hurt to let her go it will hurt more to see her everymorning and wonder how shes feeling inside.


    I am not a selfish person, nothing in this relationship has been about me emememememe i have always put us or her first. Which is why i dive the car i drive and yada yada yada. This is just one thing that if i could have for myself it would be her. Thats not the way i want it to be though.

  18. Maybe she is nervous since the marriage day is very close? Keep showing her how much you care about her. Keep doing stuff that you know means a lot to her. If before you get married she doesn't want to go through with it let her. It will be SOOO much easier to call it off now then after you are married.



    See thats what i think it is, i know she loves me and i know this is what she wants. I am im doing everything i can at the moment.

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