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Everything posted by 2pointslow

  1. My nephew (15 months old) will be walking around the house, stop look up and just look up and reach for the air like there is something there and he wants it to pick him up. It is creepy, but i think i know who it is.
  2. Ghosts cannot harm you they also cannot flip lights on and off. Most ghost show up for a reason. Some just dont realize they are dead. Now spirits can harm you most likley they wont but they can flip lights and knock things over. I ran into a ghost hunter and talked to him about it one day. Young kids are usually the ones who have the encounters.
  3. yea i can help you with that to pm me. I had to deal with that type of thing to when i was younger.
  4. In 9th grade i lost 65 lbs in 3 months..... true story. Almost ended up in the hospital to.
  5. At street trim....i heard boost on kill mode is alittle higher. Thats as far as i will go with that.
  6. .I believe this... people get married 2 months after meeting each other these days. People marry for the wrong reasons whether its money, looks, sex or you just needed to marry someone to get out of the house and get your parents off your back (yes I know someone who did this). Personally the longer you wait to get married the harder it will be. A 28-32 year old comes with more baggage than a 18-20 year old. This would be the reason marriages lasted longer 20-30 years ago. It was not looked down upon to get married at 17-21 years of age. Most people cheat because they are unhappy with how their partner treats them. They either don’t give them any attention anymore; they let themselves go and are no longer physically attracted to them. The sex isn’t good anymore or never was good. (If sex is that important to you then don’t get married or find someone who is good in bed). They have gone through rough spots with money and want someone who is well off. No one is happy these days with the basics; it has to be all or nothing. I’m not saying that it’s just the women because men are just as bad.
  7. and another 1million on penicillin shots and the cure for aids!
  8. I couldnt do it, im to much of a visual person. I couldnt look at chelsea the same. The money would be fun, srt8 challenger with twin gt35rs? http://www.autoblog.com/media/2006/05/2009_Dodge_Challenger_TA_8.jpg Lmao, i bet ashley would slap you if you asked her.
  9. :thumbup: Thats sweet, i have only seen one turbo busa up close. I bet its a handful!
  10. What stealership was it from?
  11. Yes mercedes, bmw any german car company is going to rape you for stupid charges. Just the mirror glass on a c230 for one side is......$650.00.
  12. I hear that!! I have insurance tho, But i know what it feels like to not have insurance. It sucks even though it was for a month.
  13. take the 3-4 thousand and buy a used car to run around in. you will never get what the mustang is worth to you, maybe 7000-10,000 at the most
  14. This kind of stuff is why so many young adults do not get married. Why cant we still live like it was 30 years ago? When marriage was something that was cherished and cheating wasnt thought about. Now people want to make it seem ok.
  15. Why dont you like bench shirts? Once you get above 600 you should be shirted unless your scott mendelson!
  16. Hal can school you on this more than i can. I have a shirt but i didnt like it. But the shirt really dosent save your pecs as much as it does your shoulders. Plus at 280max bench your going to need a little bit more work before you go into a shirt. Shirts are alot of work.
  17. Thanks jesse....I didnt put it on here for compliments for people who are probabaly thinking that . Just for what it was at that time. Thanks again andy and jesse! So come on you were all talk in the other forum. DK wants to get this set up, i would like to see what happends.
  18. Thats why i keep my Significant Other locked in a cage. NWS http://www.socceralley.com/pictures/other-cage-01.jpg
  19. What he said! Thats why you have Sais, katana and samurai swords.............................. so you can blame it on the ninjas. http://www.show.me.uk/dbimages/chunked_image/energy_kids222.JPG
  20. Thank you, That sucks, you have had a busy year. Once you have a shoulder injury its never the same. Hope all heals well, dont rush back to soon.
  21. If it was 2 years ago i would have taken you up on it. 395lb bench 163lbs 17 years old now it would be like 280lbs :doh: :thumbdown
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