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Everything posted by 2pointslow

  1. Why????? why couldnt this be next year..
  2. OK since everyone was talking about making this thread here i made it for you.
  3. hmm i forsee the number of deaths going up in the future...
  4. That is why there is bold, underline and different size text. For your E-arguing needs.
  5. x39483475893 bahahahaha can i get in on this??? I havent even touched a weight since highschool 1.5 years or so. Well i worked out for a month this summer and lets just say 225 was still for warm ups!! yay for being retarted strong!!
  6. untill the doctor says she isnt going to make it throught this time. You need to stay positive and even then you need to stay positive. Many people live through cancer multiple times.
  7. http://www.thoughtbubble.cx/ryan/bloggerpics/ban_hammer.jpg http://img353.imageshack.us/img353/7893/suspended8aq.jpg
  8. Looks good. what turbos will you be running?
  9. He hit it on the head...something like 350rwhp n/a
  10. did it really come with saftey glasses?
  11. haha truth..... i would love to have an sti....cant haul a quad and a dirtbike in the trunk though. Fuck having to quit my job because of school and health issues Fuck not having a job Fuck not having more cinnamon apple sauce Fuck my parents for not buying more cinnamon apple sauce Fuck my nephew for eating all my apple sauce Fuck the navy for making my freind go back to base Fuck people who think im to young to get married when they have never talked to me. Fuck scientologists FUCK this guy................ :gives:
  12. Since its a gradual 90 degrees it should be fine.
  13. Kit looks good, what turbos will you be running?
  14. ill race....who ever runs out of gas first looses.
  15. http://weasel.faricy.net/funny/cowbell.jpg
  16. ya well fuck you!!! I keed! I feel like we are in the same boat. Except i dont have to worry about girls putting out. I getz it when i WANTz it.
  17. I want to go riding so bad....bike will be at MC getting the valves shimmed.
  18. :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: Fuck 6 hours of studying/homework fuck school ( see above) fuck people who run the school ( also see above) Fuck campus parking Fuck blown fork seals ( problems fixed) Fuck honeymoons ( why can i just spend 3000+ dollars on something else?) Fuck not having a fast car because im getting married even though i have the money to go buy a new car. Fuck having money that you cant spend Fuck driving a slow focus Fuck people who cant drive on the way to school in the morning Fuck people who cant drive Fuck breakfast ( its to early) Fuck PETA Fuck animal rights activists ( The only right an animal has is to be in muh belly) Fuck asians who eat dogs Fuck da POPO Im done for now.....
  19. Sorry to hear, cancer is a horrible thing to go through. Just suround her with positive attitudes. Dont harp on the bad things. Think of the good times, talk to her even though it seems pointless. She hears you she just cant repsond how she wants to and she needs your support and the family.Stay strong, even though she has been diagnosed it dosent always mean the worst. If you are wondering how i can say this,I have been through this alot. I will keep her and your family in my prayers.
  20. Well that cops sol....they cant arrest you if they dont catch you in the act and they cant search your house with out a warrant. Could you see that? Going before a judge to ask him to grant them a warrant because someone called and said you were setting off fire works? Cops make me LOL!!! I wouldnt worry about it, i have had the cops called on me for setting fire works off all the time. If they dont catch you the only thing they can do is well NOTHING.
  21. Weird i have driven about 4 srt-4s never experienced much turbo lag if any at all. When you stomp the pedal and you imidiatly bounce off the rev limiter, theres not much lag there. 1-2 gears are pretty much useless in an srt-4
  22. True story people do not know how to drive anymore. I would be extremely pissed if i drove an rx7 or anything better than a slocus!
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