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Posts posted by 2pointslow

  1. If you were the person behind me on westerville road at 9:00 (ISH) riding a kaw of some sort. You are a fucking idiot i was wishing you would lay your bike down.


    This guy would fall back, then speed up and proceed to swerve all over the lane at 50 mph or more get on my ass flash his brights and proceed to do it again.

  2. I'm confused...


    There's obviously a reason why Shanton has a built engine, and a large turbo. If Shanton wanted his car to be top end oriented, what does that have to do with what you (focus) think it "should" have?


    i was just simply stating what a engine of that size should have turbo wise. But what i also said was, i like what he was trying to do... but why waste so much of that cars powerband?

  3. yes i have been out of the state and country. I have been to mexico, bermuda and england. i will be visiting australia in a couple years.


    i just cant stand cops...they get you on petty shit when they can be out taking care of things.


    heres an example... 3 cops to come kick 2 kids out of a skate park for riding bikes....

  4. Our founding fathers are rolling in their graves..... FUCK law enforcement.Theres shit you can do your just to damn lazy to do it go eat a fucking doughnut....


    Who really gives a fuck about their rights...they come to this country for a better life. We end up paying for that life while they sit on the couch and make babies. Fuck them i would like to line every illegal up and shoot them in the back of the head. They are worthless and need to go back to their worthless country they came from.


    end of rant.

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