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Posts posted by 2pointslow

  1. this is true it dosent come over night. It was a job, i woke up ate went to school ate,ate again came home and ate then did homework and ate. Finally i went to the gym, i would come home and eat. Repeat process.....
  2. I lift 3 times a week, and have for several years. I love working out but I have to admit I'm lazier than hell and I gotta force myself to do it EVERY time.



    one of the many reasons i quit.....it became a job and was no longer fun.

  3. Interesting opinion you have. I have never met someone that knows it all. He stated he's having trouble in the shirt from lack of experience in it. I happen to have experience in the shirt he wants to use (but oh noes he's been lifting longer!!) Let's see, I was invited to train at Westside at 16yrs old, have set multiple state records, benched over 500 at 181 bwt, trained a national champion and 800+ lb bencher, have trained with the people who make this shirts, etc... Need I go on about my lack of experience or knowledge on the subject, or is that ok?


    Has also trained a kid to bench 395 at 167lbs and 17 years of age RAW!!! O YEA....

  4. Just wondering if there are any serious weight lifters on here other than myself and 10sec93. It would be interesting to get a CR training day or meet setup.


    If you happen do be a serious lifter, are you a gear user (bench shirts, squat suits, etc...) or a raw lifter? What type of style do you train? Bodybuilder or powerlifter?



    when did you start training again???? I havent touched a weight in a year. Im going through withdraw

  5. The rims where rota grids and the tires where yokohmoa avs es 100 . They are not on back order,they had to be drilled to fit my car. I would have been fine if at first they said it will take up to 3 months... but instead they keep pushing it back...I dont like when people dick me around.I dont think anyone does.
  6. In the middle of february i went up and made a pruchase of some rota grids and yoko tires. I put 650.00 down they said the rims would be here end of march.. I called in and they said they will be here the 28th of march. I called in that monday and one of the workers ( not saying names) said they have not arrived and are on the way here. It would be a couple of weeks. I called back yesterday ( 2 weeks from then). They proceeded to tell me it will be another month and they are on the way......They were on there way 2 weeks ago.


    i was ok with it taking untill the middle of april... but it will take till the middle of may. I ordered these things 2 months ago and it will be three months before i get them. I am half tempted to go get my deposit back and order them off line. I went to discount for a peace of mind, instead of ordering them off line. I will pay 1300.00 from discount where i can pay 1000.00 online. If they dont credit me some money back i will prob. take my money and never return...



  7. I want to know about the AWD DSM. I've got 500 cash if its running.


    As for the fiero. Thats a fun diea but, With the light Front end you can run into issues. Its on my last now though.



    good idea but it takes money to build a dsm and keep it running.

  8. buy a blown up fiero and drop a l67 into it... then cam it and you ahve a 12 sec car that is fast and can auto cross like a champ easy swap to do and very cheap and you already know some about the l67 and its a very strong engine


    cam, 3.2 pulley, headers, exhaust, intake, injectors, tune

    would be one bad ass fiero..

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